deaddoll00 Skully

  • Female
  • 40
  • from Canada
  • Member since Sep 26th 2012
Last Activity

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  • Aiden the Misfit -

    Sorry about late response, I was at my moms for a few weeks. Feel free to add my Skype, we can talk about recording there. Full name is Discord Sineater.

  • Aiden the Misfit -

    We are doing survivors this week as well, if you'd like to join? :3

    • deaddoll00 -

      Depends on when, I'm usually just available on weekends for co-ops, but maybe :)

  • Aiden the Misfit -

    Hey you. Wanna record Slendytubbies with us? :3

    • deaddoll00 -

      I'm actually set to record that with some other people first, sorry xD But I wouldn't mind a different co-op in future. Maybe survivors or Afraid of the Dark or something? :)

  • Fire -

    Hi to you too!♥

    • deaddoll00 -

      IT'S SO PINK *______* Heh heh <3

  • Fire -

    I love you, Erika c;

    • deaddoll00 -

      Aw, I love you too, hun ^^