Emilios Zervos Grunt

  • Male
  • 32
  • from Athens, Greece
  • Member since Oct 8th 2016
Last Activity

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  • kpitsmpl24 -

    I added you. Please add me back. kpitsmpl24

  • marillita95 -

    added you! username : Marillita

  • appleaj -

    I added you. Please add back: appleaj

  • J1969 -

    added you, add me back username: J1969

  • CodySt -

    Hey nice room! Added you, add me back? Ign: CodySt

  • TsportyA -

    Added u my name is TsportyA add me back plz

  • Luisa Pozzebon -

    added! Mine is rainbowhead1997

  • Rintsik -

    Added you, mine is Rintsik, thanks!

  • D' Eradicated -

    Added you. :)

    IGN: dEradicated

  • Ponso -

    i've added you, add me now, my nick is Ponso

  • mmardybum -

    I added you! My username is mmardybum c:

  • Liam Williams -

    hi I added you can you add me please.

  • FieHasmi -

    added! my ign is xFIEbulous

  • SantaMari@ -

    added ^^ ign: T1T4N1UM

  • Hyuna -

    Added u my name is Yona ^^

    • Emilios Zervos -

      got you bro.
      Thanks a lot for the add ;)

  • Matt225 -

    Just added you! Have a nice day!

    • Emilios Zervos -

      Added as well. Keep up the awesome work and thanks a lot for the add ;)

  • Januar Tambunan -

    Please add me back

  • AddMePie Tuber -



  • YunnieUnicorn -

    Added !
    Add me back :)

    • Emilios Zervos -

      sorry for the long delay bro! Added back.
      Thanks a lot!! :D

  • Marcus Lundholm -

    I have added you
    Add me : pewdiepielus :)

    • Emilios Zervos -

      sorry for the long delay bro! Added back.
      Thanks a lot!! :D

  • Locorama123 -

    added you
    add me back Locorama123

    • Emilios Zervos -

      sorry for the long delay bro! Added back.
      Thanks a lot!! :D

  • Brian Manic -

    added you! add laze11 and rizeee! ty !

    • Emilios Zervos -

      bro i have you already in my friendslist!

  • srockapia -

    Added you! My name is srockapia, please add me back :)

    • Emilios Zervos -

      thanks a lot for the add. did so too.
      Sorry for the delay ;)

  • Maeva -

    I added you! :) My name is Bibouclette. Thanks a lot!

    • Emilios Zervos -

      Added. thanks a lot!
      Sorry for delay :/

  • John Marx -

    Added you! :D
    add me back JMAR22

    • Emilios Zervos -

      Added back. sorry for delay
      thanks <3

  • samwich_in_space -

    add me back plz ;D --beestmastasixtyfow

    • Emilios Zervos -

      added. sorry for delay
      love you bro


    add me back my name is lilneckbreak

  • llzanitall -

    Added, plz add back I'm ZoeyDitDot

    • Emilios Zervos -

      added. thanks a lot <3
      Sorry for the delay tho

  • EYUP_WolveZ -

    Added you, Please add me back :) user is: EYUPWolveZ

    • Emilios Zervos -

      added as well. thanks a lot and sorry for delay

  • EdgeGod -

    TheEdgeGod is my id, not EdgeGod. Sorry about that.