XennaNeko-chan Bro

  • Female
  • 30
  • from The Neko Universe
  • Member since Mar 2nd 2016
Last Activity

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  • Isaiah Kun -


  • Jocas Faller -


  • XennaNeko-chan -

    tomorrow is the day!!!! :3

    so excited!!!! :3

  • XennaNeko-chan -

    I feel so stupid...
    Trusting too much...


    • Zarah -

      at least you learned from it, no?

    • XennaNeko-chan -

      Lol zarie-chan :P
      Well.. I guess hahaha

  • Zed(Kiri) -

    My messages aren't sending on whatsapp

    • [~Dash~] -

      Kiri-chan has Whatsapp? >.>

      Y u no tell me about dis? <.<

    • XennaNeko-chan -

      Its okay kiri-kun :3

    • [~Dash~] -


    • XennaNeko-chan -

      Pm you :)

  • XennaNeko-chan -

    I love...............


    Uhhh.... yeah....

    Like... does it matter anyways...


  • XennaNeko-chan -

    Liars. Liars. Everywhere.


  • XennaNeko-chan -

    So yeah. I've been away for awhile here and I dunno when I'll be back... so.. if anyone even misses me... just spam my wall....


    Life got me. :')

    See ya guys..

  • XennaNeko-chan -

    Just finished stalking... I know it's weird. Hahah
    This Neko just got curious....

    And yeah.. it's also true that curiousity kills. Haha

    Oh well it can't be helped I'm.... yeah...


    • Delirious -

      A knife kills too *flips a knife hoping to catch it but it goes through my head and I drop to my knees* see told ya *dies*

    • XennaNeko-chan -

      O.O Oh noooooo not knife!!!

  • XennaNeko-chan -

    I love you guys so much! I hope we all,still get along with each other though hihihi :3

    I will give free cookies!!!


  • CatmanLuver -

    YOU are the most friendly one here! This is what the BroArmy is all about.

    • XennaNeko-chan -

      Well i am nice to everyone but you said terr was a bully so i got mad.. sorry.

  • Zed(Kiri) -

    I thought about it, and I'd like to hear Payphone by Maroon 5 next time. :)

  • fluffeh.monster -

    It seems like you are a Filipino too.

    I thought you're chinese or something.

    • XennaNeko-chan -

      Yes yes neko is filipino. Yaay. Well i am half american and japanese and filipino: )

    • fluffeh.monster -

      That is pretty cool. Pure Chinese here. o/

    • XennaNeko-chan -

      Cool! I bet fluffeh is kawaii :)

    • fluffeh.monster -

      You could ask shadow, zed or lee on what I really look like! XD

    • XennaNeko-chan -

      Oooohhhhh. Neko got curious hihi

  • XennaNeko-chan -

    Hmmm... i will draw poods later how can i upload it here?? And will senpai notice it? :3 hope so...

  • XennaNeko-chan -

    Any new video games that you guys can suggest? :) thanks!

    • Mystery -

      play undertale, or cave story

      or to the moon


    • TerrionGaming -

      Depends on your platform. Do you play on PC or on a console?

    • XennaNeko-chan -

      Thanks mys! Id like to play,that since poods played,it hihihi

      On console terr :)

    • Semi -

      idk about undertale but do play to the moon, it will tingle your spirit

    • XennaNeko-chan -

      Yeah semi i watched it poods play it was,sweet and cheesy I liked it but im looking for,some action this time like fps or tps or rpgs lols

  • XennaNeko-chan -

    At last! I created my bro army account!! :) been a long time bro but dont have the time to create one! But now... i have one!! Yaaay! :3 please be nice to me.. :)

    • TerrionGaming -

      If you offer us cookies, we will be nice.

    • XennaNeko-chan -

      Cookies? What kind of cookies?? I Love cookies too buy i cant bake :(

    • XennaNeko-chan -


    • TerrionGaming -

      Chocolate chip cookies :3

    • XennaNeko-chan -

      Oooooh! I love chocolate chip cookies too but... i dunno how to bake :( i can only bake on simulator games lols