Chevrolady MyLittlePanda

  • Female
  • 28
  • from Norwhat Norwhere Norway
  • Member since Feb 18th 2016
Last Activity

The forums have been archived. Please read this thread for more information.

  • marillita95 -

    hey just added you
    ign: Marillita

    • Chevrolady -

      Thank you, Im adding you now :D

  • rowtechshio -

    Hello. Sub me back @rotectio?

    • Chevrolady -

      I will do! Thank you! :D

  • [~Dash~] -

    You're so pretty! <3

    • Chevrolady -

      Awh thankuuu *hides behind some random curtains eating oreos and dont know how to handle compliments* (=゜ω゜)

    • [~Dash~] -

      Share some~! owo

    • Isaiah Kun -

      Iam the Oreo

    • Chevrolady -

      ok ok *splits Isaiah in two and gives one half to Dash* *-*

    • [~Dash~] -

      Ewww... Not the Isa Oreo. *throws it away*

  • Chevrolady -

    When I'm bored, I send a text message to a random number saying "I hid the body...Now what?"

    • TerrionGaming -

      So that was you.

    • Chevrolady -

      Yeah, you never replied ':c

    • TerrionGaming -

      The police can trace your number ;.;

    • Chevrolady -

      yeah but thats ok, because they'll never find the body (≧ω≦)

  • [~Dash~] -

    Welcome to hell...
    I mean Forums. Yes. That's what I meant. :D
    Hope you enjoy your stay here!

    WARNING: Contains high level of craziness, randomness and whatnots. ^^


    • Chevrolady -

      Oh thank you, hell seems pretty awesome so far (≧ω≦)
      Thx for your warning, now i know this site fits me like a glove >:D

    • [~Dash~] -

      Hue. It's one of my domains. Glad you like it so far. :D

    • Isaiah Kun -

      Welcome to hell I will start it off by claiming you as mine as I do with everyone ^~^ thx for joing the fun *^*

    • [~Dash~] -

      Jfc... The lunatic is here...

    • Isaiah Kun -

      Azunyan I know you love me :P

  • TerrionGaming -

    Welcome here! I have no idea where Kongsvinger is, tho :O

    • Chevrolady -

      Thnx :D
      Its like this tiny city in Norway,and the only things there are to see here are drug addicts, alcoholics or sluts. And me ofcourse, but im awesome

    • TerrionGaming -

      You are the hero Kongsvinger deserves!

    • Chevrolady -

      Hahaha liek a baws (≧ω≦)

    • TerrionGaming -

      Hehehe :D

  • grye -

    damn, 5 minutes late :( nice to have u here btw :D :brofist:

    • Chevrolady -

      Haha tough life xD
      Yaaaay,thx :'3

    • BonLee64 -

      Git Rekt, Gamer .>;3

  • BonLee64 -

    Welcome to the forums, where we battle to take wall from the new people :D

    • Chevrolady -

      Hhahaha yaaay, you won :D