Hail Kira Bro

  • Member since Sep 7th 2015
Last Activity

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  • Ada Horror -

    haha Wzup hail kira how are you:D YOU FOUND ME gotta catch em all;)

    • Hail Kira -

      Holy crap... I leveled up! Lol
      I'm really glad to see you... I am doing good. How are you doing? You coming back to youtube sometime? No one does horror games as good as you...

    • Ada Horror -

      Yeah im back now atm :D i recently did montage to catch up some and it was so fun to edit again:D missed it alot:) so hows everything still posting alot in freedom:D?

    • Hail Kira -

      Oh really? Sweet, I'll stop by and watch when I'm got some WiFi.
      And yeah... been hanging out at freedom, it's weird though... always new people...
      And alot of the people that were regulars are gone...
      or staff like Kan...

      I kinda feel left out of the loop there... even though I'm more active than most of the staff... :/

    • Ada Horror -

      What is kan gone? what happend i dont see that many members on freedom coming like before?

    • Hail Kira -

      No Kan is there... so are the other staff...
      I'm just saying alot of us that were regulars there are not there anymore...
      I try to keep track of everyone... which is tough cause I've come to like hundreds of other youtubers... lol