Datacedoegrl123 Bro

  • Female
  • from loserville
  • Member since Feb 28th 2015
Last Activity

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  • Weeaboo -

    I lost ma teddy ;-;

  • Datacedoegrl123 -

    you only live once just like you only die once, every breath you breath is one closer to your final breath. every word you say is one word closer to your last word. every move you make is one more movement closer to the last movement you make.every minute you are closer to your final minute. every day that goes by is a day closer to your death day. every birthday is a year closer to the day you will make that last moment, take that final breath. and when it finally comes, when the day that your heart stops beating comes, you will finally realize the hurt goes away.

    • secret agent imp -

      welp really youre overthinking it.... its inevitable why think so hard on it? like bro you might as well ignore it...its coming you like it or not and theres no stopping it, so just live and dont care about it the harder you think the more complicated and painfull it becomes

  • TerrionGaming -

    Love your hair, I really curious to see it straightened!

    • Datacedoegrl123 -

      thx, i like it straightened better than regular cuz its less frizzy and crazy when its straightened. :D

  • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

    People are not all spit and polish but neither is diamond when you dig it up

    • Datacedoegrl123 -

      that is the most wonderful thing i have heard...and so true.

    • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

      If everyone and everything was perfect, the world would be no fun

    • Datacedoegrl123 -

      true dat :D

    • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

      Women search for the perfect man, if a man was pefect, he would be boring

    • Datacedoegrl123 -

      oh my god that speeks so much to my heart... that is such a beautiful quote. did you come up with it?

  • SheephirEye -

    imma follow uuu

  • Datacedoegrl123 -

    then i must not have true beauty

  • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

    True beauty is the kindness of a heart

  • Datacedoegrl123 -

    how do i have hits if everyone h8s me?

  • Isaiah Kun -

    Yo~ u knew right?

  • Datacedoegrl123 -


  • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

    Hello :3