Stellar_Shiva Donator

  • Female
  • 39
  • from Wesker's Basement
  • Member since Feb 25th 2012
Last Activity

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  • DameonGrey -

    STELLAAAA!!! I But I have a calc final next week, and homework due tomorrow. So I should skedaddle. >3> ... I just wanted to say hi and that I saw Tom Petty in the Postman and thought of you. @w@ ~brofist~

  • Linus -


  • Goupyl -

    Come back on TS ! I miss your silly laugh ! :)

  • DameonGrey -

    You Rock, Tom Petty Girl! XD

  • Goupyl -

    *put on glasses*

  • DameonGrey -

    Aww, thank you! I say the Chat rooms rock when we're in there!!! XD

  • VenomBinary -

    no problem,
    nice skypeconversation duh! :3

    greetings from germany.