Tgifriday18 Bro

  • Male
  • from clyde,Ohio
  • Member since Nov 28th 2014
Last Activity

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  • Magamog -


  • Batty -

    I like hot cheetos

    • Tgifriday18 -


    • Tgifriday18 -

      doe's taste good like yum

    • Batty -


    • Tgifriday18 -

      I know but they so good

  • Kyle The Ghost -

    how did you get on the right wall?!

  • SheephirEye -

    U defy laws of gravity laka boss, m9 keep it up! we need to prove newton wrong !=D

    • Tgifriday18 -

      I will Newton is a bad guy
      he is dumb
      he got hit in the head by an apple

    • SheephirEye -

      yes, his brain didn't work well! we need new laws!

    • Tgifriday18 -

      the down fall of gravity starts with me

    • SheephirEye -

      yes it does! and there IS air in space! its just big so ppl can float!

  • -

    Heyoo! Just greeting you "hi" and have a great day~

  • Tgifriday18 -

    gonna make everyone I can a level higher

  • Batty -


    • Tgifriday18 -

      yay thank you

    • Batty -

      No problem :3

    • Tgifriday18 -

      wait I'm a grunt so I do grunt work

    • Tgifriday18 -

      what is your wish for me master *I get down on one knee

  • Batty -

    Hey tgi XD i haven't talked to you in a while XD

    • Tgifriday18 -

      I know haven't talked to you either

    • Tgifriday18 -

      how you been

  • SheephirEye -

    imma follow u~

  • BunnyBro -

    hi im stalking you

  • Delirious -

    Happy New Year

    • Tgifriday18 -

      HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too soon it will be 2015

  • Horta Woof -

    We're for battling 5 days, lel

  • Batty -


    • Tgifriday18 -

      I'm Barney the purple dinosaur.

    • Tgifriday18 -


    • Batty -

      Nu please barney will rape Bob

    • Tgifriday18 -

      No barney like to rape little children

    • Tgifriday18 -

      Get your facts right

  • Svannahz Kaneneko -


  • Horta Woof -

    Rule 1) When Horta is in roleplay, DO NOT POKE

    • Tgifriday18 -

      you poked 1st

    • Horta Woof -

      not true...

    • Tgifriday18 -

      yes I was0o

    • Tgifriday18 -

      sorry my bro was being a d!ck and did that to the word was

  • tgifriday18sis -


  • Tgifriday18 -

    If you are a youtuber show a brofist :brofist:

    • Delirious -

      I'm very unpopular youtuber does that count?

    • Tgifriday18 -

      yes I'm a very unpopular youtuber

  • Bonnie the Bunny -


  • Horta Woof -


  • Horta Woof -

    Hey, high five!

  • Bonnie the Bunny -

    "Theres never gonna be a day thats the same as today, so look forward to tomorrow."

    • Tgifriday18 -

      thanks my friend misses one of his friends from Perrysburgh

    • Bonnie the Bunny -

      hopefully that quote will work out for him then.

    • Tgifriday18 -

      I hope that to

  • Bonnie the Bunny -

    (soz internet went down last night) People will rate, hate, and break you, but how you stand against them is what make you who you really are. Be brave, and do not let people below you (bullies) bring you down

  • Bonnie the Bunny -

    (you may need to stay after school with this too) All you need is some inspiring or anti-bully quotes and permission from your principal. You may want a friend or two to help you as well. me and my friends came up with 20 quotes that we were gonna start with, and we have dozens of backups to use as well. basically all you have to do is type up the quote, about 15 per page and grade that you are doing, and put them in lockers around your school. We have a student lounge at my school, so we draw two names every week and give them permission to go there during their free periods. last year when we did this we only did the quote stuff every other week, but weve been given more time to do quotes this year. when you draw the names you can give them any privilage as long as your principal or administrator aproves. you would need to do reminders for the quotes, too. you need to tell everyone to write their name on the quote they got and put it in some type of container in the office or just give the quote to you personally to hold onto. thats basically it but if you have any questions go ahead and ask.

    • Tgifriday18 -

      we actually have a group in my school for posters like that

    • Bonnie the Bunny -

      cool! well this would be like a side-bar activity then if you want to try it out

    • Tgifriday18 -

      I'm gonna do your idea it's a great one to but night

    • Bonnie the Bunny -

      lol night

  • Tgifriday18 -


    • Bonnie the Bunny -

      np. have plenty of quotes to share so if ya need some more quotes just ask ;P

    • Tgifriday18 -


  • Bonnie the Bunny -

    People can try to tell you who you are, but don't listen to them. They don't know the real you, so let them believe what they want.

    • Bonnie the Bunny -

      I am strong because I know my weaknesses, I am Beautiful because I am aware of my flaws, I am Fearless because I know illusion from real, I am Wise because I have learned from my mistakes, I am a Lover because I have known hate, And I can Laugh because I have felt Sadness.

    • Tgifriday18 -

      you are very good at these

    • Bonnie the Bunny -

      :D ik. im part of the quote commitee at my school

  • Bonnie the Bunny -

    "Advantages bring disadvantages, so use the disadvantages to your advantage."

    • Tgifriday18 -

      nice one where do you find these

    • Bonnie the Bunny -

      most of them i make my ex actually gave me tht quote tho ;P

    • Tgifriday18 -

      well they both are cool thanks they actually help my personal life too

    • Bonnie the Bunny -

      lol np.

    • Tgifriday18 -

      thanks though

  • Bonnie the Bunny -

    Don you just LOVE having problems? lol. "The only obsticle is the ones you put before yourself, if someone doesnt like you or wont pay attention to you, they might be one of your obsticles. Dont let the obsticles bring you down, just ignore them and move on. Simple for me, now how about for you?"

    • Tgifriday18 -

      thanks where did you find that

    • Bonnie the Bunny -

      actually thts one i made. i face A LOT of obsticles in life from being bullied, and from the fact tht my parents are divorced. im used to it but i still make quotes like that to calm me down if i ever need to.

    • Tgifriday18 -

      hey my parents are divorced and I'm being bullied lol

    • Bonnie the Bunny -

      what grade r u in?

    • Tgifriday18 -


  • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

    I am Muted for a little bit