Semi Skully
- 26
- from Soviet Russia, the swedish flag <3
- Member since Nov 25th 2014
- Last Activity
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miss you bro how have you been?
Cody The General -
Suprise shira
Semi -
thats just some troll, i have been wonderful
i hope you have been the same, although stressy with the school and the banter
Captain Awesome Sause -
Its General Cody remember me?
Semi -
getcha sack and fill it with monei yer pleb
I say poof and you say poof.
Poof? Poof! Poof? Poof!-
Semi -
poof poo poo po pooof! *nose boop!* pof!
Semi -
Xx_420_vägdestroyer_xX i.imgur.com/cIgBO1g.png
Semi -
*stares into your finnish soul* yes, time to read it with your asscheeks spread apart and look into the mirror to see ur fece pleb
Semi -
nah its one of those *insert name* and he gives you already this look..........
allahu akbar
Semi -
give in to the Power of my shag
BoG_Clan -
Hello Semi,
My name is Luis Suarez from Miami Florida and im YouTuber as well. Im a recently growing YouTube channel called "BoG Clan" that needs that little extra push in subscribers to make some money off of YouTube. With this money that i hope to make im going to use it to help pay for my disabled grandparents medicines and some bills for their home. Im not looking for fame im look to solve problems in my kind of complicated life, it sucks but im trying my best to make things right. So i was wondering if you can help me out in obtaining active subscribers, that comment suggestions and give me feed back... let me know if you can lead me in the right direction and help me out with some subscribers i would greatly appreciate and make sure that i repay you! Thanks you so much for your time if you did go on and read this message! If you need to contact me you can through YouTubes messaging system or through email.com ([email protected]) Thanks again!
Luis Suarez-
Semi -
Hello Luis, first thing first i would love to say a very nice informal letter, that´s something i don´t see quite alot anymore but anyway, you said that you needed help about getting subscribers and such to help your grandparents (also im sorry to hear hope they get my full blessing from my prayers) but i can sadly say that im not an expert or anything to help out making people get subs, you probably found my name by going through a forum (forgot its name) and one post i made did describe what people would expect and what a (youtuber) would expect to upload so i suggesst checking that out (sorry if im not helping much)
Best of regards, Hamodi
Semi -
the best English speaker, oh also the cutest -
Weeaboo -
Has been a while. Semiiiiiiiiiiii
Semi -
yes mom i am studying
and i know!!! how have you been?!
Mys is going to banned me, I believe
Semi -
oh what? rip
Pop Dom -
Don't worry bro i got banned 28 times and still here with a secret account
passing by :3
Semi -
eyy Catch this *Darkscaped boop*
Semi -
In case y´all enjoy any of the type of Music i listen to visitors, here they are! my favorites
youtube.com/watch?v=e5kHouJU0nQ <------At the End
youtube.com/watch?v=qQPSY-sY8F…C1FD38FBE6A1A66A&index=12 EPIC final striker Music (P.S here is his whole channel, in case of other Musics youtube.com/channel/UCeckoTTiXEbqnwISpNTYzkg)
youtube.com/watch?v=kOtGXBRdESw Approaching Nirvana Dubstep
youtube.com/watch?v=-0oZNWif_jk Monster Dubstep (one of ze old ones :D)
youtube.com/watch?v=eyLml-zzXzw Tobu Colors
youtube.com/watch?v=IZlfVSTFx_g Again and again
youtube.com/watch?v=_ovdm2yX4MA Levels
youtube.com/watch?v=IesREJwuJ_0 Aero Chord (dubstep which pewdiepie used a long time ago :D)
youtube.com/watch?v=ZIbOKGTB1Po Roy Jones Cant be touched
youtube.com/watch?v=uvYwsbvSdCM Dayon Davis - Knocked Out
youtube.com/watch?v=VDvr08sCPOc Fort Minor - Remember The Name
youtube.com/watch?v=YeGsrN0Higo 50 Cent - Ready For War
youtube.com/watch?v=bmXumtgwtak Eminem - Lose Yourself (one of the best recommended <3)
youtube.com/watch?v=6lSO2O1X7bw Roy Jones Jr. Ya'll Must Have Forgot
youtube.com/watch?v=gWapX12pHPQ Frag Out [NCS Release]
youtube.com/watch?v=_Pyn87oJIlg Mt Eden Dubstep - Prodigy : Omen (Bootleg)
youtube.com/watch?v=iky2W_N-n2Y Eudorix - Trust Me (Dubstep)
youtube.com/watch?v=HUSLHJgl3Jc iNexus - Insanity | Dubstep
youtube.com/watch?v=yp3UeCguVVI Song Of Storms Dubstep Remix - Ephixa
youtube.com/watch?v=MY3gYVxzjk4 Helicopter Showdown ft. Messinian - Great Escape
youtube.com/watch?v=WzECJnzyjr0 Get hyper (a 10 hour version if you want to generate energy :D)
youtube.com/watch?v=xyyH_hOCYJI MDK - Jelly Castle (Orchestral Mix) thanks to Frankieonpcin1080
youtube.com/watch?v=wM8zVko0M84 Dan Bull Counter Strike 10 hour Rap
youtube.com/watch?v=LurWLnek5Fw Planetside 2 Rap Dan Bull
youtube.com/watch?v=TIQdGCJyIRw Mighty Quest Rap Dan Bull
youtube.com/watch?v=EoJhkOQ4cGk Battlefield 4 Rap by BRYSI (dont judge xD)
well thats all of them for now tbh, hopefully some people might check out this page and find any of the Music interessting *Waves* im here guys! anyway take care
WammyBatman is Muted -
I feel like I know you.... havent been on this site since forever lol