amelia_grace Bro

  • Female
  • 27
  • from Atlanta, Georgia
  • Member since Nov 9th 2014
Last Activity

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  • TylerSC -

    Do you remember me or nah? You don't talk to me anymore

    • amelia_grace -


    • TylerSC -

      Well that's sad, because I still remember you

    • amelia_grace -

      :) just kidding

  • TylerSC -

    Do you keep getting messages from random guys trying to hit on you too?

    • amelia_grace -

      Yeah I do, usually some guy named Reagan

    • TylerSC -

      Ew, well that's creepy. Don't talk to him

  • Semi -

    my friend, how do you know Morgan Freeman?

  • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

    Hello :3

  • TylerSC -

    Get off my profile creeper

  • OneCerealKiller -

    Sooo... a fellow Beatles fan? Piano and ukelele player? I play guitar, bass, flute and a bit of keyboards! I also got also got an "amateur" rating on once! Do you have a skype account or steam username, milady?

  • Bodey2 -

    hey bro:)

  • eddielikespie -

    Hello :D

  • westcoaststyles -

    you are very pretty :) i hope we'd be friends <3

  • TylerSC -

    Hey, just wanted to say you are absolutely gorgeous. You have an amazing smile!

    • amelia_grace -

      thank you so much!

    • amelia_grace -

      guess what?

    • TylerSC -


    • TylerSC -

      Do you get creeped out by all these random posts on your wall and messages you get?

    • amelia_grace -

      um ya I do.

  • Mikke -

    You have such beautiful eyes :3 I can see that you're pretty new here on the forums. Welcome! ;)

    • amelia_grace -

      aw, thank you! & yeah, I'm a newb. Learning fast though.

  • westcoaststyles -

    hello :)

  • amelia_grace -

    Real talk, I feel a bit out of place on here. I'm not hip with all of this cool kid lingo.

    • TylerSC -

      Is there anywhere you are hip with all the cool kid lingo?

  • amelia_grace -

    Lol I need to learn how this place works

    • GrumpyCat -

      Use the poke button to annoy people. Your bassicly set now.

    • Isaiah Kun -

      Heard the word poke and hi by the way

    • Isaiah Kun -


    • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

      Poking........gets old fast