Huntress Bro

  • Female
  • 26
  • from a fairytale
  • Member since Nov 1st 2014
Last Activity

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  • Huntress -


  • Huntress -

    I'm back.

  • Huntress -

    Off to National Service. See you in eight weeks.

  • Semi -

    see you in th e competition Contest mate

    • Huntress -


    • Semi -

      sorry wrong section xD check under this comment

  • TerrionGaming -

    hi there :v

    • Huntress -

      Well hey

    • TerrionGaming -

      Huntress hunting a lot huh.

    • Semi -

      oi yea you, see you

  • Huntress -

    Why do I have to be sick right now? If it persists...

  • PeaceKeeper -

    po-tae-toe ewe

  • Huntress -

    Little do you know, I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece.

  • Huntress -

    Such ugly emotions.

    • Semi -


  • Huntress -

    I've always been rather good at lying to myself. I do it so well, I can change my outlook on a situation with little to no effort. After all, when something is inevitable... the least I can do is pretend I enjoy it.

  • Huntress -

    Well, hello random profile visitors.
    I wonder what made you feel inclined to pop in.

    • AstrosiOfficial -

      No idea really..

    • [~Dash~] -

      I just stalk... I mean visit random people's profiles here. :D

    • LittleJayBerry -

      I figured.. I like pancakes, and would ask, if you liked waffles?

  • Huntress -

    "So I heard
    You found
    Somebody else."

    - The 1975, Somebody Else

  • Huntress -

    Over the years, I've grown to accept how I look. It doesn't matter if I'm not as pretty as the rest as long as I'm not like the rest.

  • Huntress -

    Someone called my difficult hair fabulous. Yay.

  • Huntress -

    Peaceful at the moment. Just squishing a tiny human's chubby thighs.

  • Huntress -

    And it follows into another rough morning. Goddamn.

    • [~Dash~] -

      *hugs Huntress* Hope you'll be okay. ^^

    • Huntress -

      Thanks, girl.

  • Huntress -

    Rough day.

  • Huntress -

    When you find out the mods work in an office... and wanna visit ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

    • Mystery -

      the mods don't work in an office??? at least I haven't worked in an office for mod business.

    • Vicsyyy -

      There's an initiation trial you need to go through to gain entry.

    • Huntress -

      I'll do it ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ) Must I sacrifice a soul to the Dark Lord?

    • [~Dash~] -

      Sacrifice me! OwO

  • Huntress -

    "I wish that it could be like that, why can't it be like-- OH GODAMMIT ARGENTUM, YOU'RE BLOCKING THE LENS!" - Me, 2016

  • Huntress -

    Mulling things over.

  • Huntress -


  • Huntress -

    Getting my results tomorrow. Can't seem to sleep.

  • Huntress -

    Who are the 572 people hitting on my profile?
    You naughty, naughty kids.

    • Semi -

      call me naughty again i dare you *aims gun at you*

    • Huntress -

      You're so cute <3

    • Semi -

      *hides the gun* well thank you, your cute as well but you need a sock

  • [~Dash~] -

    You're so pretty, ya know? :) <3

    • Huntress -

      No, you~

    • [~Dash~] -

      Nah. You're prettier. :3

    • Huntress -

      u v u Tbh ionno what you see. I'm a pretty odd-looking girl.

    • [~Dash~] -

      That's me. Idk what do they see in my face in order for them to call me cute, adorable, etc. :/

      You ish purrty. Period. :D

  • Delirious -

    Deadpool: Seriously we agreed on chimichangas
    Me: right.... I LIKE CHIMICHANGAS!!!

    • Huntress -

      And I like Marvel characters.

    • Delirious -

      Deadpool: uh huh and?
      Me: really wade?
      Deadpool: yeah

    • Huntress -


    • Delirious -

      *grabs my baseball bat*
      Deadpool: don't you dare you know my skull is fragile!
      *hits him*
      Deadpool: annnnd he did it anyway *fall over knocked out*

  • Huntress -

    And now, so is my avatar.

  • Huntress -

    My About Me's been updated. Hurray.

  • Huntress -

    So, I found Mys. Or Mys found me. Now waiting on PK, Turtle and the rest of you nuggetballs.
    Where'd you all gooo~

  • Huntress -

    I'm baaaaaaack~

    • [~Dash~] -

      Welcome back! <3

      Btw, how come I didn't see you around last year? :/

    • Huntress -

      You know, that is a very good question! I was active too ;c

    • TerrionGaming -

      Por favor.

    • Huntress -


    • Xavy_Aawesomee -

      eyyyyyyyyyy weebee

  • GorkyR -

    Hunt-sama! XD Where you at? :c

    • Huntress -

      Just got back c: