Delirious Grunt

  • Male
  • 22
  • from las Vegas
  • Member since Oct 9th 2014
Last Activity

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  • -

    hey :) Has been a while.

    • Delirious -

      Deadpool: for the last time we agreed on chimichangas!!!!
      Me: shut up wade

  • Batty -


    • Delirious -

      Well hello there my friend

  • Noise -

    whatever i guess. wyatb. asdfffyghklbdsdf.

  • Noise -

    delirious 0 - Lui Calibre 9000 #rekt

    • Delirious -

      First of all I've won the fights so far so it's 10000000000 delirious -21 lui

    • Noise -

      you want me to shoot Teddy?!

    • Delirious -

      I dare u 2 shoot teddy I double dare ya!

    • Noise -

      how bout i just shoot you?

    • secret agent imp -

      taw please behave will ya -.-?

  • secret agent imp -

    all hail h2o!

  • MorganFreeman -

    Morgan follows

    • Delirious -

      Eddie i know its u

    • MorganFreeman -

      This Eddie chap is very handsome, people keep on mentioning him.

    • Delirious -

      yeah yeah Eddie I know its u on your profile says uses to be called eddielikespie

    • MorganFreeman -

      -_- its a lie,

    • Delirious -

      Eddie go eat some pie flavored pie and stop lying

  • Noise -


    • Delirious -

      dude that was just fucked up

    • Noise -

      no, i liek it.

    • Delirious -

      u called me a German scrub your lucky I don't kick your ass

    • Noise -

      no, don't lick my foot.

    • Delirious -

      *calls an airstrike on lui and walks away* racist bastard

  • NamiTheBrave -

    And so the great poke war began...

    • Delirious -

      I win all the poke wars *pokes*

  • Sugar -

    Yes, you poked me a bit :3? ^^

    • Delirious -

      I did

    • Sugar -

      Mhm at least 12% positive you did ^^

    • Delirious -

      I'm at least 88% positive I did

    • Sugar -

      Oh, must be it then ^^

    • Delirious -

      yes a poke war

  • Cheesekeku~<3 -

    Yes, you poked? XD

  • Noise -


    • Delirious -

      /me i

    • Delirious -

      dang it can't use /me

    • Delirious -

      *is hiding*

    • Noise -

      foooolllll! *rams delirious with teddy truck*

    • Delirious -

      *was standing on the truck the whole time* I see you've met my clone *drops c4 and runs an detonates it*

  • Assassin Queen Shadow -

    Kozak. You tried killing me and Red multiple times (thank god those days are over) and now have made a habit of trying to skydive into my roof. XD Well thanks for being a good friend and hey stay crazy fun. Lay down the swearing a bit though for pete's sake XD.

    • Delirious -

      nope I'm still gonna swear a lot jk

    • Delirious -

      BTW when I was trying to kill u I thought u were a guy

  • secret agent imp -

    so scareh!!!

    • secret agent imp -

      i actually like sonic unleashed

    • Delirious -

      me 2 it was a good game

    • secret agent imp -

      yeah only complain is that night levels are too long

    • Delirious -

      eh I like it that way night lvls are the main adventure lvls

  • Noise -

    Lui is back baby!

    • Delirious -

      broomstick from death battle: now its time for a death baaaatttlllleee!!!!!!

    • Delirious -

      bring it on!

    • Delirious -


    • Noise -

      stupid delirious, using a broomstick to a deathmatch *shank*

    • Delirious -

      (dude he was the announcer)

  • SheephirEye -

    Yo Stupid imma follow ya.

  • secret agent imp -

    yo join us males

    • Delirious -


    • Delirious -

      what do i do?

    • secret agent imp -

      theres some rules explaining

    • secret agent imp -

      just read the thread it explains

    • Delirious -

      who won while u wanted me to join at 3 am which is 2 hours after I went to sleep

  • Weeaboo -


    • Delirious -

      fuck you! *shoots Eric with a shotgun* nobody messes with Delirious!

    • Weeaboo -

      *revives* pew pew pew

    • Delirious -

      revive this! *shanks Eric*

    • Weeaboo -

      *Cheat Enabled: Invincibility* pew pew pew

    • Delirious -

      *fucks cheats and rips off his head and it kills him* suck it!

  • Delirious -


  • Svannahz Kaneneko -

    I forgot to follow you....sorry! ><'

    • Delirious -

      its ok

    • Svannahz Kaneneko -

      *sighs in relife* wew ok thanks.....buuuut this is......POKE WAR!

    • Delirious -

      poke war it is!

  • Noise -

    poke war it shall be! stupid Delirious

    • Delirious -

      you stupid monkey go away *blasts the monkey with an ak47

    • Noise -

      you really wanna do this?

    • Delirious -

      *kills monkey again* yeah I do!

    • Noise -

      *Lui's Voice* Stupid Delirious!

    • Noise -

      i warned ye.....

  • Noise -

    *Lui's Voice* Santa, why you do this?

    • Delirious -

      because I hate you! you stupid little helper I never liked you!

  • White Tiger -

    you bro, how are ya!!!!!!

  • SheephirEye -

    Fewk Da Logiiiic !!!!!

  • secret agent imp -

    messed up... new account... poke you

  • Isaiah Kun -


    • Delirious -

      I'm not H2O Delirious!

  • Noise -

    followed you bro, do you like delirious?

    • Delirious -

      yeah I do and I'm gonna follow u if I didnt

  • Muaz -

    Followed the water,follow the fire back :P

  • RoboPanda -

    Hey bro, followed you. :D ^^

  • -

    Happy new year to you~ be good, okay/ If you have any problems, come approach me. :D

    • Delirious -

      I do have a problem milk is calling me a show off in rp for riding the hell cycle and creating i don't understand

    • Delirious -

      a tornado*

    • -

      hmmm pm me through the inbox, okay? Ill be happy to help you :)

  • impish looter -

    happy new yearhope you have lots to eat

    • Delirious -

      thanks u 2 buddy