Paperstag Grunt

  • Female
  • 29
  • from Germany
  • Member since Oct 8th 2014
Last Activity

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  • shazet -


  • Antonia -

    hello, elephant here :D

    • Paperstag -

      hello there, friendly elephant!
      I'm the stag made out of paper. :p

  • John Agustin -

    haiiiiiii!! Paperstag :) :brofist:

  • AMER PH -

    I am sorry about what I say before and I hope you to apologize me and we are still bros . thank you

  • Forsaken -

    *sways tail* Hi <3

    • Paperstag -

      *pets head* hello little kitty :3

    • Forsaken -

      * purrs * mew

  • Mystery -

    okuu X you, I swear.

    • Isaiah_Draws -

      XD lol Sanpai

    • Okuu -

      Mystery please.

    • Paperstag -

      You people amuse me in a positive way. Please go on.

    • Mystery -

      I swear Okuu has an eye on you, and he knows I know. No secrets for Mys :3

    • Okuu -

      You are just making things up, I have eyes everywhere and you know it. Just look at my post count etc. :3

  • Okuu -

    First comment I guess?

    • Paperstag -

      If you ignore the deleted ones, yes. :D

    • Okuu -

      So I guess it was full with useless/stalking comments or something?

    • Paperstag -

      You saw the comments, didn't you?

    • Okuu -

      I have an overly short term memory, I have reported some creep comments at someone, but forgot if it was you or not. xD

    • Paperstag -

      Yes. they were creepy. :D but fortunately everything is fine now. at least I hope so..