Calcium Bro

  • Male
  • 27
  • from Australia
  • Member since Oct 7th 2014
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  • Weeaboo -

    @Milkaholic-Milkman x @Calcium = Great Ship

    • Calcium -


    • Weeaboo -

      Can be found in the Dairy Aisle of all grocery stores

    • Calcium -


    • Weeaboo -

      let's fight

    • Xavy_Aawesomee -

      they can be found on cows too u know

  • -

    Calcium!!! :D There should be a carbonate there somewhere XD

  • secret agent imp -

    why so nutritious?

    • Calcium -

      no, it is meant to be: why so reactive

    • secret agent imp -

      im reactive

    • Calcium -

      well so am i, lets react together

    • Calcium -

      that came out a lot weirder than i expected l0l

    • secret agent imp -

      XD but what will milk say if he caught us calcium kun?