Jirou_Chan Grunt

  • Female
  • 24
  • from Bangkok, Thailand
  • Member since Sep 23rd 2014
Last Activity

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  • Jirou_Chan -

    i almost forgot about this website...god damn

  • Isaiah Kun -

    Are u okay ???

    • Jirou_Chan -

      i'm not dead,i'm just playing video games a bit too much xDD

  • Isaiah Kun -


    • Jirou_Chan -


    • Isaiah Kun -

      How are u <3
      Long time no see cx

    • Jirou_Chan -

      i'm good x3 i miss youuuu~

    • Isaiah Kun -

      Same XD

    • Jirou_Chan -

      I like your Profile pic

  • Weeaboo -


  • Isaiah Kun -


    • Jirou_Chan -

      poke back :P

    • Isaiah Kun -

      omg u replied cx hi ^^

    • Jirou_Chan -

      hello xD it's been a long time isn't it?

    • Isaiah Kun -

      yes really long ;-;

    • Jirou_Chan -

      sorry...i just done all of my school work .__. and i still have Manga class thing to do,so i don't have much time to go on the internet .w.

  • KillingPoet -

    I like ure new PP :3

    • Jirou_Chan -

      Thank you Master! :D would you like some tea?

    • KillingPoet -

      Of course Jirou-chan!

    • Jirou_Chan -

      there you go~ hope you like it Master *Smile*

  • Noise -

    aren't you that (bird) maid from hatoful boyfwend?

    • Jirou_Chan -

      i use the picture from that game xD

    • Noise -

      you seem cool. imma follow you burd.

    • Jirou_Chan -

      Thank you Master~ would you like some Internet Cake? ^^

    • Noise -

      do you have pie?

    • Jirou_Chan -

      i can make you a pie of cause~ *make a pie*

  • Jirou_Chan -

    Welcome Back Master! :D i'm Jirou,your (Bird)maid~

  • Isaiah Kun -


  • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

    I there more than flying rats XD

    • Jirou_Chan -

      Flying Rats? xD

    • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

      In America and some other cultures they/we call pigeons, flying rats

    • Jirou_Chan -

      oh now i understand xD this website is a bit delay for me :/ sometime the 'Reply' button disappear...

    • ~MilkAholicMilkMan~ -

      Refresh or wait a little, it shoud appear

    • Jirou_Chan -

      Refresh six time xD maybe the Reply button afraid of me .___.

  • NirthPanter -

    Hi, here I am :)

  • AwkwardChild -

    Birds are love birds are life

    • Jirou_Chan -

      Cooo Coo~ The Butler Like's me~~ >w<

    • AwkwardChild -

      I love cats and birds except dogs......

    • Jirou_Chan -

      why? :o

    • AwkwardChild -

      I just don't like them I'm not afraid of them or anything it's just I don't like them as pets

    • Jirou_Chan -

      i understand ^^ i like a dog,but they're annoying sometime though

  • Cheesekeku~<3 -

    That profile pic though.. It can't be....IGNORED! D:

    • Jirou_Chan -

      Why? i don't wanna be Badass girl anymore,now i'm a Fabulous bird :D!

    • Cheesekeku~<3 -

      Reminds me of Hatoful Boyfriend. HAHAHA

    • Jirou_Chan -

      it is! this is the Twitter Avatar of Hatoful Boyfriend x3

    • Cheesekeku~<3 -

      OMG. HAHAHAHA I love that game. It's ashame no one in youtube finished it

    • Jirou_Chan -

      PressHeartToContinue Finished it,and she playing the sequel,I REALLY Love Hatoful Boyfriend...(i'm gonna fangirling now,are you ready?) This game have a dramatic scene that make your heart is breaking apart,and then make it warming and charming again,it's so wonderful and powerful T__T the story is very deep and deep than you think! i promise!..................okay i'm sorry for that fangirling,i'm back .__.

  • Jirou_Chan -

    i'm so Lazy.....but,i have to draw something for my bestfriend Birthday....T_T

    • Jirou_Chan -

      Actually,it's not call lazy,it's call Artblock....

  • Isaiah Kun -

    "SURPRISE!!!" Its been a really long time 0.0 like really long .... Anyways :P hello :3 how are you :3

    • Jirou_Chan -

      Isaiah!!!!!~~~ how long is it?,i can't remember though...Anyway,i'm fine :D and you?

    • Isaiah Kun -

      Im great :D~its been really long 0.0

    • Jirou_Chan -

      yeah,i thought you forget me now xD

    • Isaiah Kun -

      Ill never forget you ^^

    • Isaiah Kun -

      U are one of muh first friends ^^ and will always be

  • Cheesekeku~<3 -

    Merry Christmas Jirou ^^

    • Jirou_Chan -

      Sorry for very Late reply Cheesecake .___. Happy new year!

    • Cheesekeku~<3 -

      It's okay :D

    • Jirou_Chan -

      how are you? it's been a long time :D

    • Cheesekeku~<3 -

      I'm fine, just got back from le vacation :D

    • Jirou_Chan -

      oh great :D i'm just sitting at home do the same thing .___.

  • Cheesekeku~<3 -

    D: who dares poke me

    • Jirou_Chan -

      it's me Jirou :P

    • Cheesekeku~<3 -

      hmmm.. I see. Hey yow :D

    • Jirou_Chan -

      how are you?

    • Cheesekeku~<3 -

      a bit depressed lately. Bout you dude? :)

    • Jirou_Chan -

      i still have a weak stomach .__. but everything is fine~

  • NirthPanter -

    Hi Jirou! :D How are you? long time no see :P

    • Jirou_Chan -

      oh my god,hello! xD i didn't play this website much anymore sorry for late reply :o // i'm great! how are you?

    • NirthPanter -

      ahh, the same xD I am spending way more time on YouTube :P and it's ok, I guess nobody's using this website everyday, but like a nice thing to do in weekends and stuff ike that :) I am fine to :) :D

    • Isaiah_Draws -

      IM practically on dis site 24/7 Llol XD WASUP :3

    • Jirou_Chan -

      i using this website when my homework is done xD / Whats'up Isaiah!

    • NirthPanter -

      ahh, I am only chatting with you two here :P :)

  • Yui -

    Hi ^^ Sorry for the late reply

    • Jirou_Chan -

      can i be your friend Yui?

  • Isaiah_Draws -


    • Jirou_Chan -

      hi how's going? !

    • Isaiah_Draws -

      Eh im good urself

    • Jirou_Chan -

      yeah great,what are you doing?

    • Isaiah_Draws -

      Nothin just finishing the drawing I did of Etherna's profile pic :) what about u .

    • Jirou_Chan -

      playing pokemon! x3

  • herro_kitty -

    ( ^ u ^ )/

    • Jirou_Chan -

      hi Marii! my name is Nam,nice to meet you!

  • Etherna -

    Hiya! Thank ye for the follow~

  • Miao14 -

    meow meow

  • annygron -

    how are you ^____^/

    • Jirou_Chan -

      i'm from Thailand so..my english is not good :(

    • annygron -

      oh, the reply buttom is working here now xD yey haha

    • Jirou_Chan -

      when did you edit the comment? i didn't realize that you edit it lol xD // i'm fine ^^ thank you

    • annygron -

      I send it and then edited right away cus I felt dumb in asking where you live hahahaha

    • Jirou_Chan -

      it's okay!

  • Jirou_Chan -

    this wall is so empty! i should make a friend! XD