ChickenLover20 Bro

  • Male
  • 25
  • from Pennsylvania
  • Member since Sep 23rd 2014
Last Activity

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  • ChickenLover20 -

    Just sayin Happy Thanksgiving oh and chicken before turkey.....always

  • ChickenLover20 -

    i hate it when people try to start Christmas early in November, get Turkey first then Christmas.

  • ChickenLover20 -

    Cant wait till im 18, I need to get out of hear.

  • ChickenLover20 -

    Among The Sleep

  • ChickenLover20 -

    so scared because heard ebola is in newyork and i live in allentown like two or four hours away from where i live

  • ChickenLover20 -

    need some ass.

  • ChickenLover20 -

    I always eat chicken and when i do i prefer KFC stay in the broarmy my friends =3

  • ChickenLover20 -

    Alien Isolation was one of the scariest games i've played i cant imagine when i play evil within the next day on PS3 :)

  • ChickenLover20 -

    its good because at school it always smellin like sh#t im glad i made it out alive ;(

  • ChickenLover20 -

    i was turnin up when they said no school monday when it was friday.

  • ChickenLover20 -

    "when i was in third grade i thought i wasnt black but then i love the taste of chicken and i said oh snap!"

  • ChickenLover20 -

    saw my teacher out of school i was talking mad sh#t to him and he said i have detention and i said you have no power here do that sh#t on school grounds and he just walked away mad "I FELT UNTOUCHABLE" =))

  • ChickenLover20 -

    in school i asked the teacher "can i go to the bathroom" and he said "why" and i said "to ask the man of fantasha to give me a bag skittles so i beat the chicken monster, "what do you think why"

  • ChickenLover20 -

    It A Dream Come True

  • ChickenLover20 -

    i was crying with joy because i walked in kfc everyone was bowing down to me and said i look extra chrispy;)

  • ChickenLover20 -

    i hate it when people think they can dance then they ask you what did do think about my dance and you reply......

  • ChickenLover20 -

    that speacial momment when a girls she likes chicken =))

  • ChickenLover20 -

    Be honest its true

  • ChickenLover20 -

    Why is Americans becoming fat

  • ChickenLover20 -

    how many of yous loveCHICKEN!!!

  • ChickenLover20 -

    cant wait for the new ps4 project morpheus

  • ChickenLover20 -

    PewDiePie is a freaking god.

  • ChickenLover20 -


  • ChickenLover20 -

    just so everyone knows sometimes for every sentence i might SAY CHICKEN for everything

  • ChickenLover20 -


  • ChickenLover20 -

    soon one day i will FU#KING RULE KFC

  • ChickenLover20 -

    youtuber competition who's the best (speedrunners)

  • ChickenLover20 -

    that akward momment when you walk into the wrong class room

  • ChickenLover20 -

    back from 9 periods from teachers yelling the sh#t out of students

  • ChickenLover20 -

    warning: some girls cant drop it low