Etherna Grunt

  • Female
  • 24
  • from Philippines
  • Member since Sep 22nd 2014
Last Activity

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  • Ebenezer Scrooge -

    Kumusta na

  • Isaiah_Draws -

    Ahhhhhhhhhhh Ne sushi buri desu :3

  • Etherna -

    Aaaaah. Not that online anymoar~ But still online nontheless!

  • hoaiihuongg -

    hiiii didnt mean to annoy but can you give me some suggestions on romance anime pls? :)

    • Etherna -

      Ao Haru Ride, Ouran High School Host Club~ c:

    • hoaiihuongg -

      thank you !! :thumbsup:

  • NirthPanter -

    heello :)

  • Isaiah_Draws -


    • Etherna -

      Hi. c:

  • introvertedturtle -


    • Lolnus -


    • Etherna -

      Why hello there!

  • Etherna -

    And we try too hard, it's a waste of our time.

  • MarWithC -

    Yes, I am from PH haahah

    • Etherna -

      Woo! ^u^

    • MarWithC -

      You remind me of a certain someone.

    • Etherna -

      Maybe myself? ewe

    • MarWithC -

      No. you remind me of a friend of mine. something like that but nvm haha

    • Etherna -

      I see. o:

  • Mystery -

    If this is your home, welcome home! ^3^

    • Etherna -

      Why thank you very much. :DD

  • Jirou_Chan -

    hello,i see your profile pic is seychelles,you like hetalia too? :D

    • Etherna -

      Hi there! And yep! I'm not fully in the fandom, but I hope I will soon~ c:

    • Jirou_Chan -

      if you are Fujoshi you will be completly fangirl like me .-.

    • Etherna -

      I fangirl over some yaoi ships sometimes. eue

    • Jirou_Chan -

      me too,i just can't control myself to not fangirling

  • Etherna -

    For the first time in forever, I finally found a home~

  • Lolnus -


    • Etherna -


  • themarcelus -


  • Etherna -

    Poods is da bae <3

  • SullehS -

    I can't find an Edgar gif yet but I found this XD!…kpgrzBM11rls3t4o1_500.png

    • Etherna -

      Demn, it's beautiful! xD

    • SullehS -

      Hehe :P

  • Etherna -

    I like liking, so don't be surprised if you see random likes flying from me! >w<