Horta Woof Grunt

  • Male
  • 27
  • from Inside the Solar System
  • Member since Sep 21st 2014
Last Activity

The forums have been archived. Please read this thread for more information.

  • PerfectChaos! -

    whore ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    • Horta Woof -

      Excuse me I prefer the term prostitute you bigot.

    • PerfectChaos! -

      whoreta pls. u know u like it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Horta Woof -

    Me is back.

    • Lilo -

      wow not okay to just leave like that

    • Lilo -

      but you is welcome back

    • Horta Woof -

      Thanks. Got busy with moderating and uni shit so forgot about this place.

  • fluffeh.monster -

    hellu~ Has been a while

  • Batty -

    goodbai horta....>.< jus ignore meh thats fine

  • PerfectChaos! -


  • Batty -

    Go to the chat roooom please :3

  • Batty -

    OMG hi

  • Horta Woof -

    "Seriously there's more important stuff than sexualities" Eleni, 2015.

  • SheephirEye -


  • Horta Woof -

    "Equality will never exist" - Max, 2015

  • Horta Woof -

    "I came" - Zarah

  • SheephirEye -

    Horta hears a WOOF!
    Horta walks to WOOF!
    Horta looks at WOOF!
    That woof came from the mirror.


    • Horta Woof -

      The best poem ever made in the history of history.

    • SheephirEye -

      Why didnt they taught us that when we were young

  • Horta Woof -

    "I've seen autocannibalists less full of themselves" - Me

  • Horta Woof -

    "go fuck yourself" - Zarah

    • Metal-Warrior -

      ahh and that is why we love Zarah, he always has a nice personality and is always there to say what other people don´t

  • SHAZAM! -

    I heard hipness could be attained in this wall... >.>

    • Horta Woof -

      Yes it can. You are now hip.

    • SHAZAM! -

      Hooooooly shit, I can feel the difference already.

  • caseyknows -

    Hi doggie :3

    • Horta Woof -

      Hello! How are you doing, and what brings you to my wall?

    • caseyknows -

      you are one fluffy doge :3

    • Horta Woof -

      Thanks XD

  • Horta Woof -

    "even the most daunting tasks can be confronted with a pickup truck"- Me (yes I've run out of things to quote so I'll quote myself)

    • iana -

      pretty cool

    • Horta Woof -

      Thanks m23467832

    • Metal-Warrior -

      I am merely a simple admirer of such wisdom

  • PerfectChaos! -

    Happy belated birthday!

  • SheephirEye -

    Ayy lmao

  • justafan -

    sorry to bother you but I can't quite figure out how to make a forum post and there is a question that I would like to pose to the community here about one of PewDiePie's videos. can you help me??

    • Horta Woof -

      Oh, hey mate! Well, first you need to find the place where you should create your thread, probably the Help section. Then, in the top, there will be a "Create Thread" or "New Thread" or something in those lines button. Press it, and create your thread! If there's anything wrong you find, reply to me the problem or contact a mod.

  • Horta Woof -

    "How does one hack a toaster" - Shadow/ Black Tzel, 2015

  • Xavy_Aawesomee -

    Horta pls

  • Cheesekeku~<3 -

    Y u poke me brah?

    • Horta Woof -

      Because...IM BAD! *micheal jackson song starts playing*

    • Cheesekeku~<3 -

      *starts moonwalking like crazy*

  • PerfectChaos! -

    *eggs wall*

  • Wicy La Lyonnaise -

    Sounds like we're about to start a poke battle xD

    • Horta Woof -


    • Wicy La Lyonnaise -

      Did anyone told u before that I never lose at these kind of wars ? :p

    • Horta Woof -

      Wicy pls

  • one of the bros -


    • Horta Woof -

      Hi. Welcome to Broarmy

  • SheephirEye -

    What if I told you that your pp isnt a dog?

  • Ainz -

    Dogeee ^^

    • Horta Woof -

      Hullo! How you doing?

  • Horta Woof -

    "If you're not weird how the hell did you end up here" - Shadow, 2015

    • secret agent imp -

      shes wise in many ways i guess

    • Horta Woof -

      Crow senpai is lots of things, including wise.

    • PerfectChaos! -

      Tzel-denka never ceases to amaze.

    • Horta Woof -

      Never,ever, ever.

  • Brett_Vessel -

    ahoy there matey!

    • Horta Woof -


    • Brett_Vessel -

      how are u doin today good sir?

    • Horta Woof -

      Yes. Any reason you're in my wall?

    • Brett_Vessel -

      no, not really, your profile pic is very kawaii though

    • Horta Woof -

      Haha, thanks XD