payback43 Bro

  • Male
  • 29
  • from Horst, Netherlands
  • Member since Sep 20th 2014
Last Activity

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  • PerfectChaos! -

    *pokes back*

    How dere thou ('C')/

    • payback43 -

      *pokes back even harder*

      you gonna stop me ? XD

    • PerfectChaos! -

      *pokes finger while you're in mid-poke*

      Yee! xD

    • payback43 -

      you did not just do that !!! :OOO

    • PerfectChaos! -

      oh yis i did gf >:3

    • payback43 -

      haha you got me :P

  • Mystery -

    thou wot m8

    • payback43 -

      haha nothing XD

      want a cookie ?

    • Mystery -

      maybe? o_o"


    • payback43 -

      haha I discovered your weakness !!!

      *gives a cookie*

  • HamonX2 -

    Dude, if you have trouble making friends just keep doing what you like most, especially in public. If you're lucky you'll end up being noticed by some people that likes the same things. Worst case cenario people who already doesn't like you will continue to dislike you. Worked for me.

    • payback43 -

      i once tried that because someone else also said this kind of thing to me but the results where that the people who didnt like me where going to say bad things about me so that even people i didn't know or which i didn't really met also didn't like me or even hated me ...

    • HamonX2 -

      I know that feel. But as long as what you like to do is something you can take pride in you shouldn't have to care. If nothing else works go buy a teemo hat. Then you can just assume everyone who hates you actually likes you.

    • payback43 -

      haha what a coincidence that i have a teemo hat haha only not for that reason just because its cool but thanks i will do my best good to know there are still people who can understand this feeling :)

    • HamonX2 -

      Teemo hats rule

    • payback43 -

      yes they do !