jellystripes Skully

  • Male
  • 32
  • Member since Sep 20th 2014

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  • Dark_Magician02 -

    I decided to follow you seeing as we both share the same coping mechanisms when facing the creepy Scottish man in theme park!

    • jellystripes -

      Lmao!!! Whoever thought he was a good idea? Why did they not allow him to be turned off?? I really wanna play that game again now but just the thought of him is making me grit my teeth. I might put music on my headphones & drown him out.

    • Dark_Magician02 -

      Or just reply Sarcastically to everything he says! You could even record yourself doing so, and post it online, and before long you too could have 31 million subscribers!

    • jellystripes -

      Hmmm.... that's not a bad idea :D Hey, don't come round here laying a claim on a cut of the cash when I make my first million :P

    • Dark_Magician02 -

      Hahaha well of course I will! I'll take about 70%, we can donate 20% of the remainder to a "charity" of my choosing. The rest of course will be for you to spend at your leisure!

    • jellystripes -

      Damn that'll be some well-paid prostitutes :P