End of the world nearing? What do you think?

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    • End of the world nearing? What do you think?

      Do you think this is true? 13
        Yes (1) 8%
        No (7) 54%
        Maybe (5) 38%
      At first, i thought the whole end of the world thing was a bunch of BS, but lately i have been researching and reading articles and i have been putting it into consideration. I do not believe it will be in 2012 but soon according to all of the recent events that have been happening this year. Here are a couple of videos to show what events have happened so far:

      One mystery that is happening is Planet X (Nibiru) -the one in the above-, NASA has been tracking this planet for a while at a observatory in the south pole, and it is theorized that it will either collide with us, or come so close that it's gravitational pull will cause tidal waves, and earthquakes.

      Another event that is happening is the shift of the poles, according to spiritual texts, every 26,000 years this happens, this is caused when the solar system passes the galaxy's equator, which is theorized to happen every 26,000 years, if this were true, it is said that the tectonic plates will shift causing earthquakes, tidal waves and increased volcanic activity. I believe this is actually happening because recently there has been many seismic and volcanic activity around the world. For example, the earthquake in japan, the recent emerging of the new volcano in china. Also the north pole is starting to shift toward Europe, all of the ice is melting in the north pole, i have heard that there is no longer ice in Greenland. Also the equator has shifted, image here: greatdreams.com/globe4flipped.jpg (green line- recent equator, Red line - equator now)

      Article here: umsonline.org/2012/2012Pgs/Pol…tic-map-science-nasa.html

      Some other recent events that have happened are the tornadoes in New York US, (they rarely have tornadoes there), another event is the recent earthquakes in china due to a new volcano that is forming there.

      Also the year of 2012 has alot of doomsday predictions, there have been predictions by the mayans, ancient Egyptians, the Cherokee, and many other ancient civilizations, the bible also speaks of the rapture, now isnt that a coincidence?

      Now I am not saying that the world will end in 2012, i am just stating my ideas and opinions and to educate you bro's about the recent events and possibilities of the things to come :) hope you bro's learned something and have new ideas and theories about this!

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Mega_hyp3rrr_808 ().

    • Well, i didn't expected to saw this kind of thread in this forum.. first of all. please don't post this kind of topic again. i know you didn't mean that 2012 is the end of the world, but come on. even if 90% of us didn't believe it it'll drop our morale. and that isn't a good thing. well, i didn't knew what else to say. so enjoy your beer, and don't forget to drink your daily dose of vitamin c *wink*

      If you're angry, don't break anybody's heart, they only have one..... Break their bones, they have 206 of them
    • They admitted they read the damn Mayan calendar wrong, even. THEY ADMITTED THEY READ THE CALANDER WRONG. Everyone calm your tits.
      Not to mention I'm a legally certified goddess and I say the only thing that's gonna happen on that fateful day is homemade whipped cream.

      ...On the other hand, there IS Snooki's kid being due on that exact same day...

      So it's a toss-up.

      Now come and see divinity
      Where night turns day so far away from heaven