Contact PewDiePie

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  • Contact PewDiePie

    'Sup, Bro Army !

    First, here's my presentation : Saixohard is a French Bro.

    Now, I want to talk about my channel. I want to explain what I'm doing, and why.

    What kind of videos I make ? I'm using PewDiePie's original videos, and add French subtitles on them.
    Well, a lot of foreigners came to my channel, sometimes to insult me, sometimes to question me about the utility of my work.
    The fact is, everyone hasn't the chance to know PewDie, nor to understand me, especially when you're bad at English.
    But most importantly, I'm doing it in hope to bring joy, smiles, laugh, to everyone who's watching my translations, because they're finally able to understand the great humor of PewDiePie !
    It's my way to say "Thank you". As a Bro, since you give me all that in hard times, Felix, I want to do the same for others.
    Funny thing is, even foreigners who want to learn French are interested by my work.

    But I want to do a job of quality.
    So, I added effects, colors for each characters, even typographies, and furthermore, funny smileys.
    You can guess that is taking a lot of time. It's really hard to do one simple video, you know.
    Anyway, I have now around 650 subscribers, and they strongly support me for each video I translate.
    I'm very thankful for that !

    So, where's the problem ?
    Well, I tried to contact PewDiePie, because sometimes YouTube is doing some serious fucked-up things.
    For example, I have now 20 popular videos that are privates, and it asks me to get the clear consent of the real author to "unlock them".
    Seems legit, ain't any problem about that... except that you CAN'T contact Felix.
    I've tried everything, I think. YouTube mails, Tweets, the serious e-mail for buisness, even make a cool drawing with a letter and send it to him in Sweden...
    I'm totally aware of the ridiculous amount of things he receives, but it's been like four months, so...

    You know my story.
    I don't have another ideas, so I came here, and hope to get your attention.
    I you want to help me, in the name of the Bro Army, please feel free to do so.
    I just want to have a conversation with him, just about this subject, I don't want to bother him with my life, my tastes, and everything else.
    My only hope is to have the opportunity to thank him for everything, face to face, nipples to nipples, and obtain his consent.

    Many Brofists to you guys ! ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ/