Hey everybody! I'm here to chat! :D

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    • Hey everybody! I'm here to chat! :D

      As the tiltle says....I would like to talk to some other bros and what better then a fourm to chat on so other bros can join in? Perfect I think. My intrests include: Gaming,pewdiepie,tobuscus,cryaotic,roosterteeth,drawing,funny jokes,nyan cat,bacon,having an awesome time,GOOD music,cry reads,creepy pasta,reddit,9gag,tumblr,slenderman,$20 mode haha,red dead redemption,portal,oblivion,skyrim,half life,ib,dead isand,the walking dead game,hitman,south park,family guy,american dad,the mighty boosh,the young ones,bottom (the tv series :P), the i.t crowd,the goodies,black books and a lot more stuff but those can just be covo starters if you like those too. :D Hope to make new friends haha. Have fun! and be nice :D