Tell me who you are!

    The forums have been archived. Please read this thread for more information.

    • *Bro fists* Hi everyone my name is Jordan and i'm 15 years old going to be 16 on July 31st. I have been watching Pewdiepies videos for maybe a year now. I live in Oregon which is on the West coast of the United States. I play video games on both ps3 and xbox but mainly ps3 because the games I have for it are better. I play all types of games from shooters to action and sports and racing games. Every now and than I will play a old game thats for the ps1 or something. I am a anti social person so on my Facebook, it might seem I have a bunch of friends but in reality I only talk to 5 of them a day and see them every so often. I have 3 sisters and no brothers. two of my sisters are over 21 and the other one is my twin. But I stay dedicated to the Bro Army. *bro fists*:D
    • Hi everyone! I'm Tessa. I'm eighteen and currently studying to become a Environmental Engineer. I reside in California, United States. I love to dance and write and play sims 3 haha. I also love playing any horror video games, particularly anything from the Silent Hill Series. I'm still obsessed with the game Simpson's Road Rage that came out in 2001...I know I'm a loser. I love Kingdom Hearts too. This is a little weird but I like watching people play video games more than I like playing them :P. Pewdie makes me laugh :3 which is why I watch him haha. Uhm, I've been a vegetarian for eight years now. And yeah, thats all I can think of! :love:


      Skype: Tessa.Dee
      Xbox live: partypoison8
    • Hai guys! Name is Marija. I'm from Serbia. Many ppl from the forums know me. :3 I found the love of my life here,Ark. <3 I'm 15, i love listening to music,drawing,roller-blading, dancing, smiling, and chatting with people. I spend too much on the internet as it is,or as would ppl around me say. i'm a casual girl, i can be pretty complicated and confusing at times. I wanna be a good bro to everyone here and meet as much people as i can! :3
      I'm very protective over my friends, and my babe. Girls stay away btw. c; Anywhoo, i don't really know what to say. I like games, but my hobbie is i like more to watch as people play! I've played Amnesia, my first horror game after i saw Pewdie. I finishes it...barely. xD All thou i've started playing again recently. I wanted to try and play Penumbra:Black Plague, but after Amnesia, i gave up. xD
      So that's all. IF someone wants to meet me,feel free to send me a message :3

    • What's up? I'm Pasi, just a normal 15 year old guy, well.. in 2 and half weeks. I'm from Finland and I'm just studying, not sure what will I be in the future, I'm just enjoying life. I like to game, play guitar, sing, dance, sleep, draw, almost everything... I just like to have my own experience from different thingys. I actually don't really know what to tell about myself...? I'm really social and talkative, so if you want to talk to me, just send a message will ya? Yeah, that's about it.

      Le Doc.
    • Names Joe. 22 year old from New Jersey. Been working IT for 5 years. I've been playing Ice hockey since I was 8 years old and I probably won't stop until my legs fall off. I played Travel hockey from ages 14-17. I've had seasons where I'd have the top points for the team in Goals/Assists. Favorite team is NJ Devils. Favorite player Ilya Kovalchuk from NJD, and Jonathan Quick from the LA Kings. I've had a chance actually play on the ice with the Devils during their practice, it was the best time I've ever had.

      I also play guitar, and enjoy watching Football. New Orleans Saints all the way!
    • My name is David, I am 17, gonna be 18 in october, and I like videogames and drawing. I draw comics, called "The Misadventures of Tingle and co.". in my comics, I have a colorful cast of characters from different tv shows and videogames. a short list of those characters are Tingle , Kenny, Schnitzel, Jason Vorhees, Falco, Slippy, King Leonidas, a Goron, and refrences to other characters I can't draw, and that is a perfect reason why I can't publish them(cause the characters are not my original ideas.). I would like to put Pewdie in the comics, cause I find he would be a prefect character in my comics, I just have to find a way to draw him.
      It is always the chainsaw guy that is hardest to kill, the only fast way to finish the job is a rocket launcher, but you only have so much of those...

    • My name is Sergio. I am a 26 year old bro from Spain. I'm still studying but I'm seriously considering qutting it and looking for a job because I feel like a parasite in my house.

      My big passions are videogames (particularly single player ones. I don't feel like I can get the best out of multiplayer ones) and also roleplaying and writing stories. I tend to have very passionate opinions and I get angry easily, so I am not the best person for arguments, but I'm learning to restrain myself.

      I also like listening to music. I particularly like ambient music with slow pacing and quick-paced, intense lyrical pieces.
      Remember, Pewdie: When you're surprised by a jumpscare... THAT WAS ME AS WELL!
    • Ello I'm Izumi Yi
      I live in the united states as of right now. I work full time and do cosplay and ballet as a hobby. I came across "pwediepie" a few months back from his montages and became a instant fan. I do play alot of video games and do alot of art and cosplay as well as ballet as I mentioned before. I hope to make some new friends and have a good time. Thanks for being a Bro. <3

      SUDA51 BITCHES!!!!!
      Bad Girl cosplay: Prince_izumi
    • Ohai there.

      Name's Nicole. :) I'm a figure skater, and I absolutely adore art. I'm constantly singing, drawing, & writing. XD

      I was born in Key West, FL. We moved to the Clearwater/St. Pete area a bit after my sister was born; I was almost 5. My sister had a liver transplant in Miami when she was six months old, which was the reason for the move - so we were closer to the hospitals.

      I had an awesome childhood; I did a lot of activities & stuff. When I was 10 my mom passed away & we moved to Miami... things were really rocky (was bullied for the rest of 5th grade, and half of 6th), and we eventually moved AGAIN to our grandmother's house in the middle of nowhere (still in FL). 7th grade I ended up dropping out of school to be homeschooled, because the only local middle school didn't offer advanced classes & wouldn't let me skip a grade... it was basically all repeat. D:

      A year ago, my dad obtained this awesome work contract, and my life completely turned around. We still have our home in FL, but my dad works in both CA & TX, so we move back and forth every few months. I took up ice skating again & homeschooling's going great, too. XD So right now, I'm extremely grateful for everything we have.

      My little sister actually showed me PDP... Not only is he funny, but he's REAL. He says whatever the fuck he wants and doesn't care what other people think. He's just playing as him, which is what I really like. The fanbase that currently supports him is also just as kickass as he is. XD

      So yeah, just a bit on my past & current life. Not everything, but meh, I talk too much anyway. XD

      Brofist! C:
    • Hello everyone! I'm 17 and i'm from Russia.
      My musical preferences: Mostly hard rock, heavy metal, folk. You can know more on my profile:
      Favorite games: I almost don't play computer games, the only game that I play is Minecraft.
      Hobbies: i play electric and acoustic guitar, play block-flute:) Also, i like skateboarding.
      I also very interested in foreign languages, lately started to learn finnish. So if you from Finland, you can help me:)
      So, i think that's enough information about me, if you want to know something more - you can ask.
    • My name is Paige, I'm 20, and I live in Georgia here in the States.

      I just got married January 7th of this year to my man of 4 years. We both love so many of the same hobbies.

      If I could get a job working on video games, that would be amazing. But right now I'll just stick to cutting people's hair.

      Video Games, duh. I love singing and one day I want to record my own album. I also love writing and have a dream of writing a best selling Sci-Fi series of books. I play with my puppy and do chores around the house every day but I don't mind that at all :)

      Favorite Games:
      Skyrim, Super Mario RPG, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask, Oblivion, God of War games, Dragon Age games, Fable games, Assassin's Creed, Minecraft, Other awesome games that I can't think of right now.

      I'm an overall nice person, but I am not afraid to say what I think.

      That's pretty much it :D
    • I'm Ximena. No it doesn't sound how it seems. It's actually pronounced HE-MEN-A. lol :p I'm Mexican, 15, and i like to watch Pewdie's videos. That's basically what i do each day. I have no life. hahaha :p Um yeah i'm pretty chill!

    • Hi!
      I live in gothenburg and love watching youtubers such as pewdiepie and tobuscus etc. I would love to play scary games myself but you know.. it's scary.. Anyway I would love to meet bros in gothenburg and maybe play together? I'm 16 years old btw. If you are interested, add me on skype! lisa.fredriksson3 ;)

      My name is Jin Raziel Agsalud.
      I live in the Philippines, born and raised at Olongapo. It's my birthday on July 23, 1999. This monday, i'll turn 13.
      I started to play the computer when Windows ME was around. Then i became happy when my father installed XP.
      I normally played some old games from Yahoo. Like Feeding Frenzy, Chuzzle Puzzle, Pizza Frenzy, Lemonade Tycoon and Heavy Weapon.
      Then my father found his old PS1, he had it when i wasn't even born yet. He let me play Stuart Little 2, Final Fantasy VII(which was hard to understand for me), Crash Bandicoot and more. Then my father decided to gift me a GBA. I had it for 2 months, i played Pokemon only. Then GBA SP was on sale, we bought it.
      Then i got Pokemon Emerald and Fire Red. I grew up a little more then we had a PS2. The game i mostly played was Kingdom Hearts: CoM. Sadly i never played 1 and 2. I grew up till i became 8. I became a Little Whiz on technology. I enjoyed MPO+ Infrastructure on my PSP. I became 11, i had some nostalgia of what i did younger.
      Then i knew of Persona 3. My friend had a P3P Japanese on his PSP. He decided to borrow me the UMD. There i go, looking for patches and decided to upgrade to Prometheus. I became 12, i felt more than i ever had. I became better on FPS games. I learned much more about Computer and more. Here i am, realizing my laptop is weak. I knew of Pewdie cuz' my friend told so. I was like "Nah, i'm stayin' on Smosh". But i decided to watch. I enjoyed Ao Oni. Now here i am. Waiting what lies ahead of me. I hope i do better this Monday, the day i become 13. God Bless :D
      Look at my Avatar, and yes my face is lovely