And odd suggestion

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    • And odd suggestion

      I suggest Pewdie blocks people like this, I just saw this comment on pewdies latest video and investigated. He's offensive and spams to trick people into thinking this guy was such an amazing white knight. Don't go to his channel or give him any benefits from this. Just Ctrl+f on pewdies latest vid "NYANCOW McPixel - Part 4 - Playthrough" and type "umad" if you want to see for yourself.

    • Inb4 Morg shows up and "rejects" you, this is a section for game suggestions mate, I think this would work better in the feedback section.
      "I've begun my voyage in a paper boat without a bottom; I will fly to the moon in it."
      "When this paper aeroplane leaves the cliff edge, and carves parallel vapour trails in the dark, we will come together."
    • PurpelPumpkin wrote:

      Inb4 Morg shows up and "rejects" you, this is a section for game suggestions mate, I think this would work better in the feedback section.
      Ok I hope it can be just moved or something so pewdie sees it still or this guy will just keep coming back spamming offensive comments in order to gain some attention.
    • I really can't stand people like this, I mean, all they ever do is spam peoples pages or videos and end up annoying fans just for the fun of it, or to get attention. If they really want attention that badly, they should try to do something amazing that makes other people's day a little happier, like Pewdiepie. But to spoil things for people who were brave enough to reveal their personality and do something cool and new is just plain wrong. That's my opinion.

      I agree with you that these types of users should be banned or at least reported. But, the internet has an endless supply of these mindless hooligans, and it would be impossible to get rid of them all. So sometimes it's just better to ignore them, since paying any attention to them would just be adding heat to the fire....
      ... All that and a toilet. *clannad reference anyone?*