Why didn't we have sex yet? - Game

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    • Why didn't we have sex yet? - Game

      It's easy, just pick a contact on some IM service or something and ask him the following:

      Why didn't we have sex yet?

      Then try to play along for a while and post your chatlogs here. Here's an example:

      mKeRix: Hey Dano
      mKeRix: Why didn't we have sex yet?
      Morgrayne: because alex would cut my penis if i attempted that
      mKeRix: but noone has to know
      mKeRix: and you can wear a penis protection
      mKeRix: ANSWER ME
      Morgrayne: i'm doing things
      Morgrayne: wait
      Morgrayne: dammit

      See? It's easy.
    • 3:11 PM - テラン ゴスト: U KNO WUT
      3:11 PM - テラン ゴスト: Y WE NO SEX
      3:28 PM - Trader: omg ur right
      3:28 PM - Trader: i dont no
      3:44 PM - Trader: OMG
      3:44 PM - Trader: MY FIRST MISSION IN MANN UP
      3:44 PM - Trader: AND I GOT THE NEW SCOUT HAT
      3:44 PM - Trader: HOLY FUCK I LOVE IT

      stupid tf2 :(

    • 8:04 PM - Synchronized: omg u no wut!?1
      scythe135|Maj is now Online.
      8:05 PM - scythe135|Maj: Hey sync
      8:06 PM - Synchronized: hi goge
      8:06 PM - Synchronized: Why didn't we have sex yet?
      8:06 PM - scythe135|Maj: Too far
      8:06 PM - Synchronized: ok
      8:06 PM - Synchronized: lemme copy and paste
      8:06 PM - scythe135|Maj: My penis isn't that long
      8:06 PM - Synchronized: o dam
      8:07 PM - scythe135|Maj: Wait that sounded wrong. I meant to say my penis isn't over 4,000 Miles long
      8:07 PM - Synchronized: 3,502 miles long?
      8:07 PM - scythe135|Maj: Nope not even one mile long.
      8:07 PM - scythe135|Maj: maybe like a footlong
      8:07 PM - Synchronized: o ok
      8:08 PM - Synchronized: myn iz liek 4bajillion centimeters lung
      8:08 PM - scythe135|Maj: Sounds about right
      8:08 PM - Synchronized: o ok
      8:08 PM - Synchronized: well
      8:08 PM - scythe135|Maj: When did I jizz all over my keyboard?
      8:08 PM - Synchronized: tiem to git giggity
      8:08 PM - Synchronized: i dunno
      8:09 PM - Synchronized: i have sum jiz spots on mein tu

      I banged goge hard. HARD
    • Judge Dredd: Why didn't we have sex yet?
      Poroner: ....
      Poroner: ....
      Poroner: ....
      Poroner: ....
      Poroner: ....
      Poroner: ....
      Poroner: ...
      Poroner: ..
      Poroner: .
      Judge Dredd: Shhh , only dreams now.
      Poroner: lets do it :D
      Judge Dredd: ._.
      Poroner: XD


      Judge Dredd: Why didn't we have sex yet?
      CrazyPacman: because we arent gay
      Judge Dredd: But I'm ready in a non homosexual way
      Judge Dredd: And I oiled my body
      CrazyPacman: :c
      CrazyPacman: ok >:3

    • You: Why didn't we have sex yet
      Stranger: n
      You: N?
      Stranger: m
      Stranger: u ..???
      You: Let's have sex.No homo
      Stranger: yaa
      You: xD
      You: See ya!
      Stranger: wat...??
      Omegle lol
      Work it ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ harder
      Make it (ง •̀_•́)ง better
      Do it ᕦ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕤ faster
      Raise your ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ dongers