The hate needs to be stopped!

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  • The hate needs to be stopped!

    Brofist to you all.

    I just made this account for one sole purpose. To yet again stress the fact about all the hate circulating around pewdies channel. However, most of the hate that I've seen has been towards Pewdiepie, but today I once again witnessed someone from the Broarmy laying hate on other Youtubers for playing the same games as Pewdie.
    Now, Tobuscus has just put up a video where he plays Slender and in the comments section I found comments where people raged about Tobuscus copying pewdie because "pewdie played it first!!". I've also seen this in several other cases where people are raging so hard about people playing the same games as Pewdie, it is just that this latest instance was what finally drove me to act. I know that Pewdie has made a video regarding hate, but as I can remember that was about ignoring the hate towards his videos and his bros.
    I just feel that this whole Copycat thing that has emerged needs to be dealt with at once before it gets even worse. So my suggestion would be that Pewdie takes part in this and adresses this issue to all his bros, and maybe try to collaborate with his fellow Utubers to put an end to this whole thing. Maybe make some kind of video, like Cry has;

    So, please bros, can't we all try to make Youtube a much more pleasant place than it is at the moment?
  • Pewdie did say something about that the bros who go hate posting need to stop that he doesn't like it.
    also I don't see how is that copying if you play the same game as someone else did already.
  • FredrikHimself wrote:

    Brofist to you all.

    I just made this account for one sole purpose. To yet again stress the fact about all the hate circulating around pewdies channel. However, most of the hate that I've seen has been towards Pewdiepie, but today I once again witnessed someone from the Broarmy laying hate on other Youtubers for playing the same games as Pewdie.
    Now, Tobuscus has just put up a video where he plays Slender and in the comments section I found comments where people raged about Tobuscus copying pewdie because "pewdie played it first!!". I've also seen this in several other cases where people are raging so hard about people playing the same games as Pewdie, it is just that this latest instance was what finally drove me to act. I know that Pewdie has made a video regarding hate, but as I can remember that was about ignoring the hate towards his videos and his bros.
    I just feel that this whole Copycat thing that has emerged needs to be dealt with at once before it gets even worse. So my suggestion would be that Pewdie takes part in this and adresses this issue to all his bros, and maybe try to collaborate with his fellow Utubers to put an end to this whole thing. Maybe make some kind of video, like Cry has;

    So, please bros, can't we all try to make Youtube a much more pleasant place than it is at the moment?
    I've said this before, and I hope I don't want to say it again, but these people are TROLLS. If Pewdie AND Nova have said something about copying and they still won't listen, it's obvious they're NOT a fan of them. They say it just to make them look bad and to make the reputation of their subs look bad.
    THAT'S IT.

    We can't do anything else about it.
    H-h-h-how's it going bros? My name is Peeeeewdiepieeee! ~PewDiePie
  • Agree with you ! I can't understand why people are talking about copying, there are thousand and thousand videos of Call Of Duty and Minecraft however anybody talk about copying... If somedbody want to play a game he will play it, don't care about people thinking if it's considere like copying or not !

    I know it's hard to see that but it's unstoppabble... The only way for Pewdie, Tobuscous and the other Youtubers to avoid them is to ignore these people, don't pay attention to them; they haven't the power and the time to repair this problem.

    It's why , Real Bros , we should fight against them ( with style , like a bauws would say Pewdie :P ), if someone see a trolls anywhere, try to bring it back to the good side of the power , many people will agree with you and join your fight ! We're the Bro ARMY ! Prepar your weapons and fight ! Troll hunting !!! xD

  • Skarjay wrote:

    Agree with you ! I can't understand why people are talking about copying, there are thousand and thousand videos of Call Of Duty and Minecraft however anybody talk about copying... If somedbody want to play a game he will play it, don't care about people thinking if it's considere like copying or not !

    I know it's hard to see that but it's unstoppabble... The only way for Pewdie, Tobuscous and the other Youtubers to avoid them is to ignore these people, don't pay attention to them; they haven't the power and the time to repair this problem.

    Agree but the Trolls could be just called BARRELS!!!

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Anonym ().

  • Flamez3 wrote:

    You can't stop it. It won't stop. They aint bros if their spreading hate. Move along.
    True. I can't stop it.

    But WE can. It's all about forming a stronger band amongst the bros and make sure to spread the message to not hate on others. It's amazing what people can accomplish as a group.

    I just have to ask, do you follow that principle when it comes to real life situations? In that case you are one of the lost of this generation, refusing to take action against something unpleasant "just because it won't stop". No offense, but difficult situations (be they mere trivial things such as hate on the internet or real life situations) cannot be solved by merely trying once or twice. It needs to be repeatedly told over and over and requires lots of work. It is hard work, sure, but it is in no way impossible.

    SailorAthena wrote:

    Maybe it would just be better to ignore them and just tell everyone else to do the same
    I'd like to share with you one of my favourite quotes of all time, by a little someone called Lajos Kossuth;

    "Neutrality, as a lasting principle, is an evidence of weakness".

    The post was edited 1 time, last by FredrikHimself ().

  • This will not stop. If you continue to "band against them" you will just become more and more angry over a situation you can not help. With 15k + people subing to pewdie everyday, I don't think telling people in the comments is going to ANYTHING. If there was a sure fire way to get them to stop, I would come aboard. But making a group of people that goes around the comment section bad mouthing people who speak their mind (whether their right or not) is not going to solve anything. I do not apply this in real life, because this is the internet. A platform where billions of people can do what they want with min consequences, telling them to stop will NOT do anything, simply make it a bigger problem by giving it the attention they want.
  • This would be like telling the Nazis to stop killing the Jews. It's just not happening. How are you to propose people would even go about stopping the hate? You are trying to tell people to stop having an opinion. Which, thanks to the First Amendment, will never happen. Instead of trying to be a knight riding a horse saying "We will not stand for this!" Just ignore it and let it happen, just as the Youtubers are doing, because they know it won't stop.