*Become Part Of The Bro Army* Genius ? Or Insanely Lucky ?

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    • *Become Part Of The Bro Army* Genius ? Or Insanely Lucky ?

      This is a long Read but hey if your willing to Read it all and respond I would greatly appreciate it.
      Hello I am currently studying Psychology At my uni here in Sydney Australia and I find *Become Part Of the Bro Army* extremely fascinating. I don't Subscribe to alot of youtube channels mainly Video Gamers like Pewdiepie that just do their own thing, play games and just have fun with their friends, it is almost a satisfying feeling watching someone else enjoy a experience like video games as much as I do.

      The very Thought of *Becoming Part Of The Bro Army* is such a powerful psychological effect, I am essentially becoming a part of a *group* and that I am a *bro* which in most Cultures is considered to be someone who is close to you or a friend or someone you like, it is a phrase most of us Aussies use (Mainly Males) to show a person that they are considered a *mate* or *friend* . Would PewDiePie be as popular as he is today if not for a simply phrase *Become Part Of The Bro Army?* Personally I think yes he still would be popular but no where NEAR the numbers he is currently reaching/ Hey Im a Bro why don't you become one too ? It provides someone a feeling that they are *Part Of Something* a Feeling that almost any human craves in their daily life's like a friendship group or part of society, Clubs and so on.

      I don't think PewDiePie meant to go about this way and most likely thought it was just something cool to say, his personality comes off as genuine and caring something that re-enforces the whole *bro Army* because it makes you WANT to join. People are always looking for the *Next Big Thing* Myspace was big and now Facebook, soon something else will come along and the people will follow. I don't believe his fast growing subscribers will stop anytime soon but I do believe it will soon hit a *wall* in the near future. Nothing wrong with that, people will continue to subscribe because he provides comical videos that entertain. I don't know his Finical situation but I assume Youtube and the amount of subscribers he has provides with with a *comfortable* amount that could easily hold him off until he finds a job he loves or maybe dives into voice acting or other sub Areas that the opportunity of Youtube has provided.

      However I find it interesting that while I can say that there are a few Youtubers that deserve more attention then Pewdiepie, I am not saying His videos or bad or he doesn't *deserve* the attention he is getting but I think the whole *Bro Army* the very psychological effect it has gives him more attention/subscribers then if he had a different Caption or *signing off* phrase. I guess I feel alittle annoyed that I see a few very good Youtubers that produce higher quality videos get shadowed by the Subscribe monster that is Pewdiepie.

      Once again I am not saying Pewdiepies videos are shit, far from it. I just believe he owes alot of his fame and success from a unknowing Phrase that would spread almost like a Virus in the minds of Youtubers.
      If PewDiePie ever responds to this I would Sequel like a girl because I am also infected by the *Virus* that is Pewdiepie, a person who I have never met yet somehow has given me a feeling that he is my friend.
    • Very interesting text you've got there. But you are speaking the truth (not in bad way) people like to be a part of something so yea :P
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    • Hmm... that's quite interesting. It's funny how I've never even noticed that he says that -_-" It actually ironic, since I studied Sociology and how the mass media effects people.
      You are probably right with the popularity thing, and it's amusing to sit back and watch what happens.
    • I think the "saying" he came up with is amazing. I'm trying to think of what to say to my subscribers at the moment.

      But PewDie is the man no matter what, if you used some other moto he'd still be as popular. <3
    • LadyKai wrote:

      I think the "saying" he came up with is amazing. I'm trying to think of what to say to my subscribers at the moment.

      But PewDie is the man no matter what, if you used some other moto he'd still be as popular. <3
      Would he be AS Popular tho ? I have seen tumbler and lots of Fan Art with *Bro Army* *Join The Bro Army* it really has a powerful effect on people, more then alot of people realize. It is a catchy friendly phrase that sticks in your mind and makes someone who perhaps doesn't know Pewdiepie WAN'T to know, or want to know exactly what the *Bro Army Is* He would still be very popular but simply phrases repeated especially ones like Bro Army has such a huge effect, and as the Internet being what it is things can get popular REALLY FAST. Memes are a clear example. Love Pewdiepie and my god he struck a *GoldMine* with his phrase.

      Edit: I am also going to do Youtube Videos soon and its funny to try and think of a catch phrase or something to sign off with without it sounding stupid or forcing it on people.
    • Wow.
      Interesting theory! I've never thought of it that way.
      However I do not really feel like "united" with the 'bro army'
      maybe its because there are so many mental bros.
      Like hating fans, who write disrespectful comments to other users.
      I really am happy I found Pewds though, he makes my life so much more bearable, you have no idea :)
      "There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me"

      - JaneAusten
    • I guess it was rather a matter of luck.

      I never thought I'd enjoy watching anyone playing video games. I think it's not the concept that makes it interesting, because there are a lot of people doing "let's plays", which aren't quite as popular as PewDiePie. I'm german and we do even have a company over here which does these kind of things in a lot more professional way.

      I think Pewds was just lucky. I thought about it for a while and I had to think about Barney Stinson from HIMYM coming up with all that "Bro-stuff" :D
      The intro: "*laughter* How's it going bros, my name is PeeeewDiePieee" and the outro with the bro-fist and the bro-army-thing are probably the most outstanding aspects making PewDiePie different from all the others. It's what makes him unique. Not to mention his way of just playing games and just being himself. I actually think he's kind of ruining some of the gaming-atmosphere with his "always-happy-attitude". But still there's something special about it. And these things are probably the main reason for his success.

      There are actually a LOT of YouTubers who are having a great concept and have to think a lot before initiating a new movie. But still it's Pewds having this much subscribers. The Bro-Army-Part is extremely influencing that progress for sure. Like I already mentioned, it's just what makes him unique, what makes people remember him. It's actually not that rare to see that "small details" affect popularity in such an extreme way. I don't know if you know "Evisu Jeans". They're not really different from jeans of other brands, but they have a kind of unique symbol on their back making people want to buy their products. For pretty high prices compared to the competitors.

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