Panzerwagen's introduction thread thingy?

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    • Panzerwagen's introduction thread thingy?

      Oh man oh man oh man.
      Hi guys!

      So uh. I'm panzerwagen or just panz and hmm.
      I'm a 17yo art student from Finland and I do things.

      I like drawing and playing my bass and singing and eating and reading comics and watching old sci-fi and... stuff. I also go in for taekwondo, yoga and brazilian jiu-jitsu in case that interests you and hmm hmm what else? I enjoy playing video games to a certain extent but I'm really really really bad at them. :D

      I made an account on here but this forum is so active I'm having a hard time keeping up with you guys so I might not post a lot but I'm always here, watching you!

      Uhh I think that's about it really. Uhh, ask things and I will answer, I guess?
    • Welcome to the community bro, enjoy your stay, be as active as you want! :)
      "I've begun my voyage in a paper boat without a bottom; I will fly to the moon in it."
      "When this paper aeroplane leaves the cliff edge, and carves parallel vapour trails in the dark, we will come together."