More OctoNinjas!

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    • More OctoNinjas!

      *WARNING* If you don't like reading, skip to the end!
      I would love for more bros to join us! Sadly, for my gaming group of OctoNinjas, i will noy be able to join you in games til June :c this is because my computer commited suicide a couple weeks ago, right after i finished the planning of the octoninjas. I have been thinking about starting this for a couple months now, but, I have had allot going on, which made it hard to do anything for Octoninjas. Originally, I was starting it with my best friend; but, he betraid our friendship and left me to work on it alone. What i am getting at is, would any of you bros like to be leaders of the Octoninjas? Because, if I am able to make this popular, i will not be able to manage all the octoninjas on my own. I doubt any of you will like reading this so, i will stop talking soon. It is just my dream to make Octoninjas big, and I have put allot of my time into making preparations. I would also like to get our own website up, when i get the chance. Sooooo, talk to you later bros! Byyyyyyyyeeee!!!

      If you are not interested, but would still like to join. Our public group is on Steam. Just search "Octoninjas_public" I can not add a link, because, i am using my phone.
      Thanks, bye!