Tuber Ranking System/friends list suggestion

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    • Tuber Ranking System/friends list suggestion

      So i'm probably not the only one who's wondering this, but how does the tuber simulator ranking system work? I got on the game i think a day or so after the update and checked everything out and came across this. So my IGN is LeJeel (add me if you want and comment on this so i can add you) and apparently according to my ranking system on my app i'm rank 24 with 600k or so subs. Then down below

      I asked my friend to check the tuber ranking to see what it says and apparently it doesn't show up for them

      Few things im noticing on my side i see all of these people are "verified" but on her side the only people verified are tubers like dodger and such. And that apparently Dolan Dark with 200k subs is rank 24 instead of rank 25 which is what it says on my screen. So how does the tuber ranking system work? Is it by region, or is this a bug? Does your account have to be verified in order to be ranked?

      Second there should be a friends list where it shows only ppl that you mutually follow. So like there would be a follower page, a people who follow you page, and people that are mutually followed. That way it can be easier to keep track of who's rooms you want to visit. Like if i just want to visit friends' rooms, i don't have to go through the whole list of ppl i follow but don't follow me as well.
    • Hi LeJeel,

      This "leader board" that you refer too is the same for everyone. Dolan Dark is ranked 25th on yours because you are ranked one above, your friend has far fewer subs and so he is not ranked yet, leaving Dolan Dark in 24th place.

      These people are actual YouTubers and it's a simple way to track your progress against them. Not that I see the point in it. But you do get prizes in the game as you continue to climb this "leader board".

      Hope this explains it for you.