Youtube on BroArmy

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  • Youtube on BroArmy

    I have problem with that, when I put "MatoPC" in profile to show my Youtube Channel, it find some other channel with 0 subs and shit, how do you fix this? can you copy like anything else? like profile code or something? Code in url "" doesent work in anyway, whole url, just code, .... Thanks for help
    Mato ;)
  • It's a bummer, this is somethign that really should be fixed. When writing down your YT channel username, basically it redirects you to a channel with that name. So probably, there's another channel that's called MatoPC and it redirected to another channel. My issue with this is that I don't have a YT username and use my name ("Francis D. Hedgehog"), and weirdly enough, it doesn't recognize it.
    Privjet folks, I'm Francis and today we'll play... The WORLD! :D

    My YT - [ CHANNEL ]

    My SoundCloud profile (where I post stuff when I'm really bored o.o) - [ PROFILE ]