Discord Server

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    • Discord Server

      The idea of a discord for this site seems appealing to many of us, so I've decided to make this thread. Discord is basically a combination of Skype and Teamspeak, but better. There's an official Teamspeak for this site, but no one uses it. There's tons of skype groups, but not everyone is on them, and they're inactive too.
      If it doesn't sound appealing, once you start using it you'll see how convenient it is. It's extremely easy to use. There's a browser version, and a desktop one. Meaning you can download discord, or just use it from your browser. Also, it's preferable that you use the desktop version. It's a lot better.

      To join, make a discord account and click this link:

      Work it ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ harder
      Make it (ง •̀_•́)ง better
      Do it ᕦ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕤ faster
      Raise your ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ dongers
    • While this is a great idea, I would still like to mention [in case it wasn't clear enough] that the server is not moderated by the team and as such we are not responsible for anything that might happen in there.
      With that said, have fun ;D
    • The main issue with Discord in comparison to Teamspeak is that they have the whole server infrastructure. If at any point in time they decided to make you pay to continue using the server you built up you'd have no other choice. You literally have zero control over what happens with your data. It's fine for the community to use but I don't see it getting any official support from our side in the near future.
    • mKeRix wrote:

      The main issue with Discord in comparison to Teamspeak is that they have the whole server infrastructure. If at any point in time they decided to make you pay to continue using the server you built up you'd have no other choice. You literally have zero control over what happens with your data. It's fine for the community to use but I don't see it getting any official support from our side in the near future.
      Just to elaborate on the situation
    • Even if this is a free thing to use, there could be a time in the future where you might need to pay to use it.
      Whether or not it's to benefit from the service or to give the main people involved more money is beyond me.

      However, it's quite fancy once you get the hang of it
      I'd rather live with broken bones than lay here all on my own like a lovesick fool.

      If you need me, visit my about me section on my profile for my skype contact.

    • yo, we know have over 32 members on discord, yay! (we're lonely need more members pls join guys ok)
      click this link to join
      the previous link still works, but this one is better ok.

      these the current statistics for the Discord Server, note that in the future we may add more or remove roles with more members.

      p.s anyone can join really, but please, have at least the capability to speak PROPER ENGLISH and COMMON SENSE IN GENERAL. k thx bye