Why all the hate towards Pewds?

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    • Why all the hate towards Pewds?

      I don't really understand why so many people hates Pewds. If a see an article about him, anywhere on the big bad internet, there must be hate comments like 'I hate him so much, I never watched him, but I freaking hate him'. Then why? Just because they heard of him being famous and making a lot of money... envy, envy everywhere.

      I recently started watching his channel - I knew that he exist, made videos and he's famous, but I preferred watching videos on my native language. But then something happened and me and my boyfriend started to watch his show. He was entertaing, funny and his sarcastic humour is close to mine. Beside this he speaks so clear, it's easy to understand.
      But being funny isn't enough for me to like somebody, I need more.

      First thing, why I like him:
      I watched some HTC Vive video, where he referred to his girlfriend Marzia. My first thought was that she must be an imaginary girlfriend for the show, because I believed Pewds enjoy his single life with all those easy fangirls... And I couldn't be more wrong. I was really suprised when I read about their long lasting relationship with Marzia, and it was an instant good point. Being loyal (when it so easy to pick up girls as a famous person) is a respectable feature.

      Second thing:
      He loves animals. That says so much about someone. He doesn't hurt them even in gameplays (like in Until Down, which is an amazing game about decisions) and he got his second good point.

      In my language, there are a saying that means : It makes a difference when a smart one plays the fool, or the fool one plays the smart. I hope it understandable. I needed him to be smart. And he must be, unless he couldn't be there where he is. He has different personalities for each kind of video, I like when he is more serious (instead of crawling on the ground in his bodysuit or doing some crazy sh.t) but...

      ...he has a f.cking huge audience. He has to entertain millions of people daily. People with different taste. It's really, really hard. He has to make new content everyday, he has to be funny, stunning and sometimes crazy. Okay, not just sometimes, kinda often. There are a lot of pressure on him. He has to deal with all the sh.t, all the envy, all the haters, mean comments and critics. I am a little bit worried about him, I don't want him to feel down, or run out of ideas - in his position is so easy to turn to drugs.

      He's inspirational. He followed his dreams, did what he really want to do - and become world famous. It wasn't promised when he left the school that one day he will be the number one youtuber and will make a huge pile of money - ha was brave, and he was very, very lucky. Despite all his fame, he is so nice, natural and he does a great job building the bro community. He makes us feel that we belong to somewhere. We are a part of his succes, we are HIS bros. I think it's amazing.

      My boyfriend has a similar personality, also smart, funny and he plays games too (and I watch him play), so, maybe I like this type of men. : ) We are together almost 8 years, so I can also relate to the relationship of Felix and Marzia. <3

      And I think these are all the reasons why I like Him. He's awesome. :brofist:

      /Sorry for the typos or the bad grammar, but I wanted to share my opinions.
    • I would say that the reason for the hate is just what you said envy, jealousy, and because he's a part of the Illuminati (that last one is

      obviously a joke). With that said the hate doesn't just stem from envy; for some reason people in this world believe that the world

      itself and the people in it owe them something or everything from others and the fact of the matter is he has such a huge following

      that he can't interact with every person, but he does give every person the opportunity and I believe that's what the "competitions"

      are as well as charities and other events. With this stated another reason is envy of not only how he is "famous" or how he makes a

      living, but of his girl. I couldn't tell you how many times I've seen best friends become hateful towards one another because of "how

      good looking there girl is" (In fact when I started dating my now Fiance I lost two of my best friends I grew up with for this reason),

      but then that's also leading into how sexualized woman have become in our culture so much so that Orange Is The New Black had a

      quote of "Sorry this society taught me the female body was currency". Lastly I believe it's also due to the art (yes I called it art) of

      click-baiting, which pewds himself made a video about and even admitted that he click-baits and gave a phenomenal explanation of

      click-baiting and why he basically has to do it.
    • I mean whether or not a person hates or likes a famous person is all up to personal preference. We can't judge someone who hates Pewds nor can we judge someone who likes him. But to answer your question, people probably hate Pewds because of his focus towards a younger audience, or could be his "immature" behavior. But then again, lots of people like him for his "immature" behavior and his funny reactions.

      Once again it all comes down to personal preference and we can't change that.

      私の名前は柊 シノアです。

      あたしはアニメが好き 。

    • Weeaboo wrote:

      I mean whether or not a person hates or likes a famous person is all up to personal preference. We can't judge someone who hates Pewds nor can we judge someone who likes him. But to answer your question, people probably hate Pewds because of his focus towards a younger audience, or could be his "immature" behavior. But then again, lots of people like him for his "immature" behavior and his funny reactions.

      Once again it all comes down to personal preference and we can't change that.
      Just because it is coming down to person preference doesn't mean that you can't identify the reason for the hate. Opinions are usually paired with reason and I wouldn't say any of us in this thread have really discriminated or judged on the people who don't like him just questioning why or tried to identify the reasons why because it's hard to see past your own perspective sometimes.
    • Xiadim wrote:

      Weeaboo wrote:

      I mean whether or not a person hates or likes a famous person is all up to personal preference. We can't judge someone who hates Pewds nor can we judge someone who likes him. But to answer your question, people probably hate Pewds because of his focus towards a younger audience, or could be his "immature" behavior. But then again, lots of people like him for his "immature" behavior and his funny reactions.

      Once again it all comes down to personal preference and we can't change that.
      Just because it is coming down to person preference doesn't mean that you can't identify the reason for the hate. Opinions are usually paired with reason and I wouldn't say any of us in this thread have really discriminated or judged on the people who don't like him just questioning why or tried to identify the reasons why because it's hard to see past your own perspective sometimes.
      I understand but if we starting stating our opinions and backing them up with reason, it usually leads to a fight. I'm trying to avoid that. Of course there are reasons, but if stated, could elongate the situation at hand.

      私の名前は柊 シノアです。

      あたしはアニメが好き 。

    • I hate that debates upon opinions have such a negative stigma because hearing others opinions and spreading your own opinion is actually psychologically constructive (as well as constructive for a community whether it be a group of friends, followers, subscribers, or even family) due to allowing people to see things in a gestalt (multiple perspective) view. The only time I believe opinionated debates are bad is when one or more sides of the constructive conversation won't accept the others opinion, but that's not the debate itself that has gone wrong it's the one or more parties that won't allow the others opinion.