What's up guys!? My name is Xiadim... or at least that 's what my user"NAME" is. I used to use forums and the internet itself all the time growing up, but once I got older I noticed a jolt in not using the internet anymore mainly because I was working 65 hours a week and getting underpaid, but that's a whole other story. I recently decided I'd get involved in the internet again because it was an amazing part of my life (When I wasn't grounded that is ) that allowed me to be the wild, imaginative, ADD/ADHD induced child and teen I was. So now that I am a young adult and have experienced more than I thought I ever would I remembered a place of fun and joy (and where I can let my ADD go wild) the internet...
Things about me:
I am a gamer
I love any form of quality entertainment
I am a realistic optimist
I make music and enjoy all music (as long as it has a purpose and it seems effort was put in)
I over-think everything
You know what, ENOUGH about me what's up with the rest of the internet?
Things about me:
I am a gamer
I love any form of quality entertainment
I am a realistic optimist
I make music and enjoy all music (as long as it has a purpose and it seems effort was put in)
I over-think everything
You know what, ENOUGH about me what's up with the rest of the internet?