Pewdiepie should do something with Xebaz

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    • Pewdiepie should do something with Xebaz

      So I'm pretty sure most of you remember/know Xebaz (Now called Baz).
      If not, he basically used to be a very good friend of pewds and even was in the first couple of videos on pewds' second channel (Pewdiepie).
      Xebaz recently uploaded a statement video in which he explained how they lost contact and how he tried to contact Felix without succeeding since
      Felix always seemed to be busy. Xebaz also explained how proud he was that Felix reached his current state, but how he also missed the old times with his good friend.
      I hope that Pewds reaches out to Xebaz soon so they can collaborate in a video and Xebaz can get in contact with Felix again so they can build up their friendship again
      Sorry for my bad english, but I hope you could understand what I tried to tell you.
      - Nuages. :brofist:
    • this sounds like

      "I used to have a famous friend but me and famous friend stopped talking but i realized i couldve used that famous friends for my own good"

      i mean i might be cynical but it's what I'd do. Heck if I still talked to him I'd ask my ex-friend Patacorow to hook me up lol.