Rent PewDiePie's Remote Video Headquarters!

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    • Rent PewDiePie's Remote Video Headquarters!

      Bros. Have you ever wanted to live inside a piece of PewDiePie history? Well now you can!

      The flat where Poods recorded much of his recent output, including all of his recent VR videos, is now available to rent for the paltry sum of 1400 pounds a month!

      Located at 13 Wilbury Road in Hove, East Sussex BN3, 3Jj, the flat boasts 2 bedrooms, an expansive living area, a modern bathroom, and all the mod cons a person or persons could want. Steps away from the waterfront and all the shops and restaurants, this place has it all. PewDiePie's blood, sweat, tears, and, of course, his essence, is all over this place and it's yours for the taking. Imagine... this is where Poods had has Diamond Play Button stolen and where he subsequently unleashed a powerful whistle to summon... a.... uh.... horse (seriously though, watch this video. all the action happened out front).

      Anyway, what are you waiting for? Get in, ya creep!

      *** update *** In his most recent video, "IT'S ON MY BUTT" Pewdiepie makes mention of their being kicked out of the flat.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Poods_BodySuit ().