Aye friends!

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    • Aye friends!

      Hey there people! I'm just another new bro discovering this website itself. (No, actually I saw it ages ago, but I officially registered my account today.)

      So it's about 3:30AM now here in my country, Singapore, and the only reason for me not to be sleeping, is because I'm a nocturnal person. (Oh the lord, constant juggling between school, work and life made me the person I am today.) Yes I just read the rules, and only realized that my user is a little.. Not appropriate if there are kids viewing this site. So bear with me as there is a a small window of a hundred and eighty days before I can make another change to my username.

      Generally, I'm spending most of my time either working, or reading novels translated by people around the world, mostly the martial arts kind cuz after all, I'm Chinese. (Nah just kidding not all Chinese are actually interested in ancient martial arts novels.) If however there are any Singaporean users out there, you may hit me up for a drink or a karaoke session any time. I love to sing, though if you wouldn't mind the chances of your eardrums getting damaged. :thumbsup:

      If you're ever interested in what am I working as, it's not very interesting but it is a job that kept me fed so no complains there, I'm a waiter in a bistro as a part-time, and a IT technician free-lance, and a student full-time.

      At this point I don't even know what else should I introduce myself so I'll leave it to you guys to question me instead! :D