Help Toby Turner

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    • Help Toby Turner

      Hello to all the bros. I'll try not to make this post very long, just wanted to put an idea out there. I understand that Toby's problems and the allegations made against him have nothing to do with Felix and it isn't Felix's responsibility - that isn't why I made this post.

      The recent allegations against Toby Turner made by his former girlfriend(s) have turned what many people considered (myself along with them) a fun and bubbly side of youtube into something troublesome and depressing. I know that Toby and Felix are friends, even if not very close - and I wanted to put it out there that perhaps if Felix made a comment or a video saying he supports Toby or simply giving Toby some kind, supportive words, it might help the guy through what has to be one of if not the worst time in his life.

      I'm not asking Felix to choose a side, and if the allegations somehow turn out to be true then that is truly upsetting, but really; what does Felix have to lose? People saying he was wrong to support Toby? Wouldn't you support a friend if they went through something like this? I'm asking for Felix to do this specifically since we all know he is the face of youtube and his words will make more of an impact than virtually anyone else. Watching the video Toby posted 5 days ago about 'The Truth' it's clear to see these allegations are really destroying him.

      I am in no way demanding Felix make these comments or videos to support Toby - this is only an idea. I just hope I can help someone who has helped me in the past when I was going through tough times.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by as3689471 ().

    • If he chooses to support Toby, then he will probably send him a message.

      This isn't something that should be made in a video (if you were implying that. If not, I apologise). I mean, the internet is a place where great arseholes are, so they can use that information and make countless hate videos and force Toby to quit youtube for good.

      SIDE NOTE: I have no idea what's been going on within the gaming world of youtube, as I use youtube mainly for my channel and music, but when drama happens, there can only be a good and bad result at the end. Just look at all the youtubers complaining about Youtube's way of working nowadays, e.g. GradeAUnderA does a little series of videos about it. Worth checking out.
      I'd rather live with broken bones than lay here all on my own like a lovesick fool.

      If you need me, visit my about me section on my profile for my skype contact.