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    • Become Featured

      What up Punks?

      So I was wanting to hold a contest myself. I noticed a lot of people want to be seen on YouTube.

      I may not be as big as the channel Pewdiepie, but I have over 800 subscribers and always gaining more.

      Now I want to use this bit of power for good, like our bro Felix.

      Now, since I can not self promote the LittleJayBerry channel, I am going to do this differently.

      You can comment here in this thread instead.


      In order to join the contest, post either here what YouTube means to you.
      Why are you personally on YouTube? What do you wish to accomplish?
      The winner(s) of here and the YouTube channel will be placed onto my FEATURED CHANNEL list for a whole month.

      That is possible traffic from my profile visitors AND my subscribers for a WHOLE MONTH!

      So get started! And have a freakin cookie!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by LittleJayBerry ().

    • Personally I am on Youtube because I have just always wanted to be :) I love creating something that people enjoy watching. I also just have so much fun creating the videos (recording/editing) it's a way for me to just do whatever I want to do and however I want to do it. I have wanted to do YouTube for years now and just recently have built up the courage to give it a shot. So far it has been so worth it :) I have met a lot of awesome people already and made some content that some others really seem to enjoy. I put a lot of passion and time into the videos that I make and hope for that effort to shine through.

      As for what I wish to accomplish is mainly to have an amazing time doing it and meet amazing people. Also to one day have a full blown active community for my channel where people go to just enjoy themselves and talk even with each other. Similar to the website we are on now XD I just want to enjoy what I am doing and have people enjoy it with me :)
      ....and who knows maybe one day it could be my job ;) but that's just if people like it! :thumbsup:
      Come on give me a chance ;) You may not regret it :D Feel free to check out my channel :) if you enjoy good ol' Pewds. Then You just might enjoy my channel (cause you know i am better than PewDIePie)(IT WAS A JOKE(calm down) Thanks! :)
      oh and plz frget to ubsrcibe
      (click here)Astrosi Channel
    • hello rotor and medyfame here personally why we started youtube is that it was a hobbie and also the fun of making videos. so it started that our friends were watching it then it grew a tiny bit and others were watching our videos. we were amazed that other than our friends were subscribing and watching out content. we really knew nothing at that time about tags etc and others were watching our videos and we continue to keep it up we are never gonna give up even tho it looks like all hope is lost.

      what we really want to accomplish is that YOU are enjoy our content for what we are and what we do to try to make you laugh and that you actually enjoy our videos or us in general. like subscribers and likes are appreciated but most of all is YOU enjoying out content. even tho this might be a longshot winning this comptetion but a wise person told us 'always try you never know your luck' so goodluck to everyone in this competition.
      if you want to check out our channel we hope you enjoy it as much as we do making videos for you :D Obliterfy
    • Hey this is pretty cool and I always like just getting to spread my message around. I didn't start YouTube for the money or for the idea of it being a hobby although waaaaay back in 2010 is when the idea of doing let's plays first started thanks to a little unknown group none of may have ever heard of called Game Grumps now I'm talking back in the JohnTron days. They were the first LPers I had ever heard of and because of them for the past five years I had this little bug in the back of my head telling me to do YouTube but I always found excuses (and some legitimate reasons) why not to. Fast forward to about 2014 when my girlfriend shows me this other super unknown guy none of you have ever heard of called Markiplier. "Hey watch this," she says as she waits eagerly for me to scream my head off at the first sign of a jump scare. Of course Foxy jumps out while he is playing FNaF1 and he screams and I scream and she laughs but at the same time that little bug comes back. You mean people like watching others scream in fear? I'm perfect for the job! I'm a little baby at EVERYTHING even my own shadow has gotten me before! It wasn't however until this very same Markiplier did a huge charity stream in honor of his friend Daniel that my little dream of being an LPer was a dream no more. Not only could I maybe make a living doing what I love most BUT I could also help make the world a better place through charity events? You see I am never afraid to admit that there were times when growing up I had nothing and because of this it caused a lot of problems for me growing up. I've always wanted to help the world and help fight suicide and depression and cancer and everything else plaguing us and the rest of the world. That is why I started YouTube and that is why I push so hard every single day to try and get myself out there and make my content better. Through my content I can build an audience and through my audience we can push charity events better. It's not only for the charity events though! See when I feel down, which sadly is often since I have suffered with depression for years, I always like to watch funny videos and especially funny lets plays. I'd like to hopefully make some content eventually that I know could really put a smile on someone's face and make their day a little better. I know it all sounds super sappy but I've always just had this yearning to help the world and now that I think I have found the perfect way to do this I won't give up until I am as big as the others so that I spread my message even better. There's always a light in the darkness, even if it is coming from the video on your screen.
    • I have posted this on the "why YouTuber" section before, and am tempted to copy and paste it right here as that would answer it, but I do not want to take the easy way out, so just for you I shall make a brand new essay.

      I will start with a bit of backstory. I made my YouTube 3 years ago, so hop in the time machine.

      I never had any skills in school, other than surprising charisma and an honest and borderline psychopathic attitude. (Also I was committed to never backing down, but it was not nearly as concreted into my character back then as it is today)
      I watched other YouTubers, and thought to myself that this was literally the perfect outlet for me to actually be myself and be happy with my otherwise depressed existence. I didn't know what to call myself though, and I was still unsure. My best friend and I were at my place, trying this game but the loading screen took forever, and i snapped. I punched the screen so hard the console fell and turned off, i had broken the load screen. It was then that I knew who I was. I was the Loading Screen Hooligan.

      The life of a Youtuber coming up in this media ridden world was like fighting a mountain lion upstream on a cold Sunday night, it felt almost impossible. I kept going at it despite the lack of views, but I just did not have the tech to make videos that were where I wanted them to be quality wise. However some time later I bought a better camera and got a laptop and boom, our Vlogs (or vloggs as i say because i added an extra g) were up and running. My friend who did them with me eventually gave up on me, and we parted ways, but even that didn't stop me. Other YouTubers have a bunch of friends who all play together, but I didn't need that, all i needed was myself and my dreams to become something!

      Time went on and I got my software to start actually doing games which really is what I wanted to do, I struggled to get a hang of things and even find games to do, dropping many without finishing. I still was putting more work into my videos than what i was getting back in views, and at times it really depressed me further, but no matter one I kept going. But one day they tried to stop me for good.

      Up till this point I didn't really have views, but I was able to have the YouTube ADS playing and in theory generating measly amounts of money. One day however they took it away, claiming I was having false ad clicks on my videos, which was untrue as I didn't even know what that meant, but due to me being a small channel I could not do anything about this. This was the point that i needed to make a choice, should i give up on my work now, or commit to a life that would never net money. I obviously chose to keep at it, nothing can knock me down, and this choice made me stronger. Instead of worrying I could now truly be free, and as such this started the fact that you can not buy me now, as money is worthless if you aren't true to yourself.

      Money may not be coming from ads ever due to that, but if I got famous I could still get it from merchandise, as I am a huge fan of merch, as such my goals kept going. I kept making videos, and even when I was down and totally worn out I kept going and going because even if I fail and die I can know that I gave it every ounce that I had.

      My goal is simple, I want to be someone, to leave my mark on this world, so that I can truly have existed and not just be background noise. You can see my dedication through these long posts that I do, even now at a little past 2AM I am editing up videos and posting on here all in hopes to get one step closer to my goals. I strive to break the mold, to be myself and be famous for being me, not just some character on the internet. If I get to that successful point the only thing that will change is that I can truly say to myself I did it, I will still stay as I am, and be 100% original.

      I should probably end this here because I could keep going and going, hopefully this was insightful and exciteful to you.
      I will either be known as a YouTuber, or die as someone who put everything they had into trying to become just that.
    • Thank you! I don't know what the BARREL bandicam is but it enraged me just hearing you rant on it. Having the technology and it not working is exactly what spawned me. I know the struggle, for my game play videos I record the video on one computer and have to record my narration separate on my laptop, first world problems am I right?