The Shout-Out competition is a FAIL

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  • The Shout-Out competition is a FAIL

    Okay, before any of you guys attack me about this, I will say that I don't DISLIKE PEWDIEPIE, and I don't DISLIKE any of the winners of the shout-out. Do I think it was a complete fail? YES.



    So Pewdiepie became really busy ( With ScarePewds, Book, Game, etc) after announcing he was doing a shout-out for YouTubers who have more than 500 subscribers, who are unique and who post frequently. Okay. GOT IT. He also said in his video that there were SOOO many pages he had to go through. GOT IT.

    The only problem is.... He NEVER went through ALL the pages.. I give credit to @UnicornTamer for this information:

    This is the list of winners and the page numbers that they submitted their entry. You may be saying, "But Cricket, Welcometosystonia is on page 59!" Okay, let me explain. Pewds wasn't going to throw just Let's Players in the shout-out, so he searched the Shout-out competition form with the keyword: Animator. It's that easy. And from going over almost all entries months ago myself, I can say that there isn't a good number of animators at all. So that explains that weird number in with the first few pages.

    I also wanted to point out what I said earlier about when Pewds says that there were SOO many pages to get through in the video.. IF you look when he shows the page numbers... It's the wrong FORUM!!!! X/

    Also, he wanted people who post regularly... The TOP three winners DO NOT post regularly at ALL!!! It has been WEEKS before they have posted ANYTHING! Except the first winner who found out they had won and then posted something quickly. :S

    Lastly, I know he was busy. I get that. But you CANNOT tell me that when I see a tweet from him asking about what movies to watch and what games to play(NOT for the channel) and all these other times where I go, "Hmmm, I wonder how many pages he could get through if he turned his attention onto that??"

    I know Pewdiepie is a great guy. He didn't have to do this for anyone... But COME ON! If you're going to have something like this where you know it'll effect so many people.. At least do it right and not just slap it together because you waiting 5 months to do it.. There is NO WAY that he went through EVERY entry. NO WAY.

    P.S. I like all the winners, I do. But, I will say that he choose only those with LOTS of subs! Other than YAGMANX who had like 6k subs before the shout out, the next one was 16K then 25k and all the way to 80K.... REALLY? Why have a 500 sub limit when you're only going to pick people in the tens of thousands??? But I guess EVERYONE is a small YouTuber to him.

    This is why I'm asking Pewds to do a proper shout-out by going through all the contestants..
    TWEET @PewDiePie with the Hashtag

    Thank you, @PewDiePie
    Please tell me what you think.
  • Lets set some records straight.

    PewDiePie is a very busy individual. His upload schedules alone are impressive considering he mostly ( he's human after all) uploads once a day. Sometimes he posts more than once and records pretty much every day, with editing and uploading. On top of that, he streams as well. The man has a life and needs to live it, so giving him whatever free time he has left afterwards is perfectly reasonable.

    Now, the shoutout competition. It was fun for people to show up and show off their channels. There were a lot of talented people out there that definitely deserve some recognition. And many channels did get a boost due to the massive influx of people visiting that thread.

    Now, there was also a lot of negative. Post clean-up, the shout-out competition had approximately 2,325 submissions each varying in content and length of videos. Watching through them would take a very large amount of time. However, an additional ~700 other submissions were created, which did not follow contest rules and/or violated basic contest rules (IE - posting more than once, creating accounts to like your own content, mass disliking other submissions as sabotage, etc). This shows a large portion of people were selfish and did not respect PewDiePie's time or rules, and blatantly caused lots of annoyances for the staff team.

    Lets take apart some of your next points and explain them a bit better:

    The Cricket wrote:

    The only problem is.... He NEVER went through ALL the pages..

    This is the list of winners and the page numbers that they submitted their entry. You may be saying, "But Cricket, Welcometosystonia is on page 59!" Okay, let me explain. Pewds wasn't going to throw just Let's Players in the shout-out, so he searched the Shout-out competition form with the keyword: Animator. It's that easy. And from going over almost all entries months ago myself, I can say that there isn't a good number of animators at all. So that explains that weird number in with the first few pages.

    There really is no proof of this, and you're only making an assumption.

    The Cricket wrote:

    he wanted people who post regularly...
    You're taking it out of context. PewDiePie clearly meant that he wanted the channel to be active, not their accounts on this forum. As far as I can see, the winners of this competition are active on YouTube.

    The Cricket wrote:

    Lastly, I know he was busy. I get that. But you CANNOT tell me that when I see a tweet from him asking about what movies to watch and what games to play(NOT for the channel) and all these other times where I go, "Hmmm, I wonder how many pages he could get through if he turned his attention onto that??"

    He lives his own life, and sets his own time schedules. If he wants to watch a movie, it's his right and privilege, and you're nobody to tell him otherwise.

    The Cricket wrote:

    But COME ON! If you're going to have something like this where you know it'll effect so many people..

    On top of his busy schedule, he's also running a competition where he actively tries to help other channels grow. And yet people do nothing but complain.

    The Cricket wrote:

    P.S. I like all the winners, I do. But, I will say that he choose only those with LOTS of subs! Other than YAGMANX who had like 6k subs before the shout out, the next one was 16K then 25k and all the way to 80K.... REALLY? Why have a 500 sub limit when you're only going to pick people in the tens of thousands??? But I guess EVERYONE is a small YouTuber to him.

    Quality over quantity. The higher quality of your videos, the more people you'll attract. It's extremely slow at the start, and gradually increases as you get better at YouTube. He picked channels he though deserved the boost, and that's final.

    Overall, that contest was nothing more than a sour taste for some of us due to the selfishness and stubbornness of a large portion of the forum fanbase. I'm glad it's officially over, we'll definitely handle it better next time, but for now, let the concluded contest stay concluded.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Max ().