Pinned Shout Out Competition #3

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  • Shout Out Competition #3

    Thread locked. Not taking any more submissions. All submissions will be checked. The winners will be announced in the video.


    Happy to announce shout-out competition #3!
    These have been really great so far and had positive impact on the community!

    Here are the basic rules:
    (If you don't follow them, your entry will be deleted).

    1. You need to be unique. (There's such a big space on YouTube, I'm looking for someone who stands out in the crowd. Don't submit if you post only Minecraft videos - for example).
    2. You need to have at least 500 subs. (I'm sorry, I know people don't like it. But I also don't like going through 10000000 of submissions, I need to put a limit somewhere - This seems fair).
    3. You need to be active and posting videos. (Don't submit if you last video was 3 months ago!)

    4. You must reply here, not create a new thread.

    Now that you know the rules, here's how you submit:

    Name: Felix Kjellberg
    Channel name: PewDiePie
    YouTube Video (That best describes your content):

    Quick Description: I've done YouTube for 5 years, posting twice a day. Gaming videos with wide variety of content, mainly comedy.

    I will announce the winners in a video in 1-2 weeks after the competition expires.
    This thread will be locked in 1 week.


    Click here to reply to this thread.

    Put your video's in [spoiler ] tags, so the page loads faster.
    One post per submission. Multiple submissions will be deleted. Please use this thread only to post submissions.

    If you post more than one submission your posts will be deleted and you will be disqualified for the shoutout contest.

    Your submission still needs to follow the forum's guidelines. Mature content will be deleted.

    If your channel doesn't follow the main three rules as above, including the 500 subs count, your post will be deleted. No exceptions. It is a must to follow all three rules. If you do not have any of these three main lines, your submission will be deleted.

    DO NOT MAKE NEW THREADS. Press the button "Reply" to post your submission. New threads will be deleted.
    that's so that the blue cat doesn't have to merge threads that much.

    The post was edited 13 times, last by Mystery ().


    Name: Felix Kjellberg
    Channel name: PewDiePie
    YouTube Video (That best describes your content):

    Quick Description: I've done YouTube for 5 years, posting twice a day. Gaming videos with wide variety of content, mainly comedy.


    The post was edited 1 time, last by Mystery ().

  • Name: Ryan Greene
    Channel name: the Gamer in the Rye
    YouTube Video:

    Quick Description: I've been on YouTube for almost 2 years. I make compilation videos of viral videos, gaming and some random videos of my interests. Thanks for this opportunity senpai :brofist:

    The post was edited 2 times, last by gamer_rye: spoiler tag ().

  • Notice me Senpai.... lol jk.

    Name: Will
    Channel name: WillYouLaugh
    YouTube Video (That best describes your content):

    Quick Description: I do book reviews and I am a lifestyle success channel. I'd like to say I'm different in that I review books no one knows about but could probably be very impactful to people in terms of fulfillment, happiness, finding a job you like, and financial independence. It's cool enough just to think you read this

    The post was edited 3 times, last by willyoulaugh ().

  • Name: Daniel Tony
    Channel name: DarkMythHunter
    YouTube Video:

    Quick Description:
    I've been on YouTube for 4 years, and I am doing myths & legends for different videogames such as GTA, Red Dead etc. I'm practically investigating the dark side of videogames. I also make horror game movies, real life myths & legends, and some gameplay videos. I upload videos weekly, sometimes even 2 per week, it takes time to edit and stuff, really.
    You heard about Gaming Myth Hunters? Well I did, that's why I'm working on these stuff...

    :thumbsup: -DARK- :thumbsup:

    The post was edited 4 times, last by DarkMythHunter: Changed the Youtube Video. This one contains something different which contains the things that I've found during the investigations. ().

  • Since I entered the last one, why not?

    Name: Daniel Musgrave
    Channel Name: Danielmus100

    Channel Vidya - Taking a small break currently, but shall be returning in a week or two!
    Funny Reaction Montage 8! 800th Video Special!

    Description of my channel!
    I have been doing YouTube for about 3 and a half years, and it's been a tonne of fun! I try to post daily but after my break I am revamping my channel which will probably limit me to bi-weekly videos, I post horror games and other general games, along with a random Vlog every so often! Thanks for the shoutout opportunity!

    The post was edited 7 times, last by danielmus100 ().

  • Name: Thaf
    Channel name: Thafnine
    YouTube video(s):

    Quick Description: I've been doing YouTube on and off since '12, and my videos range from motion graphics to gaming to montage parodies: I specialise in animation, and I'm branching out from games like Minecraft to start doing Photo-Manipulation!

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Thafnine ().

  • Name: Nathan Sweet
    Channel Name: SourSweety4u
    YouTube Video:

    Quick Description: I've been on YouTube for 5 years. I am a small YouTuber from Wales and I made fan made rap battles and I make glitch/easteregg showcases from video games. But, I like to do a little bit of everything, some of my popular videos are prank calls I've made and I also do challenges and I try to do more and listen to fans.
  • Name: Denis Gregorczyk
    Channel name: SuperPieGs
    YouTube Video

    Quick Description: I've started my channel on February 16 2013, might sound a bit fanboy like, but I wanted to start my channel after I did see your lets play of Amnesia, I just felt like it was the right thing for me to do since I always did enjoy to play games, and sharing my reactions with ppl was really fun for me. Since you were the first youtuber that I watched, and that inspired me to start my channel, this is what explains my name, some people hate it but I stick with it since it all started with it. I make lets plays of all sort of games, I make vlogs, creepypasta readings , I also did twerk once.. I guess everyone will find something for himself in my videos.
  • Name: Damian Parker
    Channel Name: HeyoDamo
    Youtube Video:

    Description: I've been making frequent comedy based youtube videos for almost 3 years now. Topics from how to deal with hate, to how to carve a banana into a penis. I also make weekly recaps of my life as I tour the U.S. with the circus. I live on a train.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by HeyoDamo ().

  • Name: Farhan Aiman
    Channel name: TheAimGames
    YouTube Video: The video is a GTA V Online video I made with some friends. It's my first time recording it and editing it to try and adapt to other big Youtubers' editing style.

    Quick Description: I've started Youtube at around late 2012 rarely posting videos. I began my Youtube journey early 2014, making videos with friends as a hobby, even until now. Last competition, I wasn't eligible to enter, but I was more determined to earn more subscribers until the next one comes up, which is now! Thanks for taking your time to give us smaller Youtubers an opportunity. :D

    The post was edited 1 time, last by TheAimGames ().

  • Name: Owen Burton
    Channel name: OwenB
    Youtube Video: Quick Description: Hi, my name is Owen and i'm a 14 year old content creator, on my channel I try to create content that is as funny as possible, I started in 2012 and recently I have been editing the hell out of my videos as I want to make them look good :) so I hope you enjoy.
    P.S. A shoutout from you would make my mum realise that what i'm doing isn't a waste of time and she will let me be louder and create funnier content, aswell as it would stop people in school from taking the mick out of my vids as someone like you has seen them.

    The post was edited 6 times, last by OwenB... ().