Help stop bulliying!

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    • Help stop bulliying!

      Have you been bullied? be honest 4
        i am not stupid enough to make friends with the wrong people (2) 50%
        yes mother freaker (2) 50%
        what's bullied? (0) 0%
        no. (0) 0%
      hi guys,

      there's bullying happening everyday. But, you can help. i am starting a program i made ( website will be made later) and go to the website to help stop bullying

      Help children and other students stopped being bullied!

      i am not advertizing * because* i just want to you to see it to help stop bullieing!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Brofist to my bro! ().

    • Brofist to my bro!, this is a great post and I love the idea how you're trying to help others who got bullied. However,

      Brofist to my bro! wrote:

      hi guys,

      there's bullying happening everyday. But, you can help. i am starting a program i made ( website will be made later) and go to the website to help stop bullying

      Help children and other students stopped being bullied!
      This quote which tells the people in this community to go to your site is a form of a bannable offense. The rules say that you cannot self promote your site/channel/etc on this site. Unless edited, this post could be taken down and/or you could get banned. I suggest you take responsibility and action and take this post down by yourself or edit it so it doesn't self-advertise. Thank you

      私の名前は柊 シノアです。

      あたしはアニメが好き 。

    • I'd love to see how somebody with broken English and most likely under the age of 16 like you will manage to make a website that will magically stop all bullying.
      Work it ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ harder
      Make it (ง •̀_•́)ง better
      Do it ᕦ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕤ faster
      Raise your ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ dongers