Pewds? Are you there?

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    • Pewds? Are you there?

      Hiya Bros. How's going? Good? Good. :brofist:

      Well. Last days, I really want to send to him an long message ( not hate message of course ) . But I am too unsure of myself, and I am afraid that all of my work on my letter will drown in bunch of comments on facebook or YT. I am not writing " I love you pewdiepie, you changed my life" or shits like this. I just want to write a bit more than this. And not only to him, but also to his girlfriend - Marzia and his friends. I know that he has been moving out from Italy, and he doesn't accept fanmails anymore ( I am not a lazy ass, I can spend a lot of time on googling ) . So that's how come to thinking to put it in comments ,or send it as mail. But I've decided to put it in there, because I am afraid I might get a shit message like " Error - it's too long ."
      Pewdiepie or Felix. If you're reading it. There's my letter. I know that's non stop receiving fanmails from people is a bit tiring and annoying, I won't send to you a letter. So, I will just write it there.

      " Dear Pewdiepie

      I know that you received a lot of fan letters and comments that you've changed people's life. You did it to me too. But I want to tell and thank you for something more than this. Without you, I wouldn't be there, I wouldn't be the same person like now. Your videos motivated me to learn English language, even if I am hearing impaired. I watch your videos and understand you by hearing aids, and by it, I've learned a lot of English language. You're making me laugh, smile, and also you're teaching me by it. My sister said to me once that i won't learn English pretty good, because i am nearly deaf, and by it " I am worse " . I ignored that, because i want to inspire others people to learn a lot of languages. By watching your videos - I've learnt English , by learning this language - I met a lot of friends who also communicate by English from others countries, by it - I've changed myself , and I am open to this world, and I am keep moving forward to explore it, even if i have this disability. Others deaf people prefer to stay in darkness and not even trying to show themselves to the world, because they think that they are losers. But me, I am not. I want people to threat me normally like others people, by your videos - my humour got more open to more and more jokes, which by it, I started to understand more things, and by it, laugh with others people. By not watching your videos - I could be sad, and live in greyscaled reality, I could be so down about myself. I could still hating normal people and not contacting with them because they are disgusting and very selfish and perfectful ( I mean there, that they prefer to hang out with normal people than with hearing impaired or deafs ) . You made many people to be more crazy and lighted up. Also, about english language again, I've won first place in National English Contest in Poland this year! 1st place! I've won a phone , I made my family and my school and my friends be proud of me, and also , it lightened up myself. And it's all thanks to you, Felix. You made your bro keep moving forward, even if it has got hearing disability. You made your bro learn english and win the national contest of english language. You made your bro being even in newspaper. It's all thanks to you, to Marzia, to Cryaotic, to Markiplier , to CinnamonToastKen. Without you all, my life could be so boring. In my article in newspaper, i encouraged deaf people to learn this language, because their lives will be more cheerful and more experienceful, I didn't mention you and others people there, because deaf people who mostly of them aren't really into English won't understand it, but I said that I am watching bunch of videos in English to learn more of this language. Now, I can't live without English. All the days, all the reading and writting, it's english. I feel so free by achieving this language ! I can meet others bros and by it , i can have more richer conversations. I am 18, and I will go to English University next year to learn about it more and more so I could be an book or scripts , or even games translator. Without this language, I could be so stuck in gray colored world, surfing in the net only in polish language, doing anything new at all, being even afraid to contact with people from another nationalities. I wrote a letter once to person in USA, but i got it back because it didn't delivered to person i wanted to send to. I am afraid to send it because it might be lost, or damaged, plus, you have moved out to another place, and sending it to Italy won't make any sense. I am also afraid to write it in comments. It's not like that I am afraid that others people will critique it, or shitposting it. I just want you to read and to be proud of yourself that your videos are huge influence to others people's lives.
      You don't have to answer to it, Felix, aka our comedy hero - Pewdiepie. Again, thanks you, and as always stay awesome. :brofist: "

      There's a scan of my article in polish language as evidence, that I am not lying just to get an attention from him, I know that some people can be like this just to get his attention. There you go.
      • ovjjsm5.png

        957.76 kB, 2,065×1,273, viewed 275 times
    • No problems, Can i please ask you How long have you been writing all that? and u can join us in forums if want you're always welcome also there are some stuff has been happening lately on forums like when pewds account got attacked and banned, i don't know what happened after this but i'm sure mods are working hard to fix what happened, i'm sure that when everything come back to normal pewds will get the message :D Stay cool
    • TechnologiesLover wrote:

      No problems, Can i please ask you How long have you been writing all that? and u can join us in forums if want you're always welcome also there are some stuff has been happening lately on forums like when pewds account got attacked and banned, i don't know what happened after this but i'm sure mods are working hard to fix what happened, i'm sure that when everything come back to normal pewds will get the message :D Stay cool
      It's been few months of trying to get myself to write this post , but I always was kind of pesimistic, that i might get " wiped away" by spam posts anyway, but finally i decided to post of what I am feeling and that i want to thank him very much.
      I joined to this forum just today, I knew about this forum a long time ago , but i am not really into discussions.
      I haven't hear anything about this thing on this forum, but I very sure that situation will be better soon, and Pewds will read it whenever he will feel like. He doesn't have to read it today, he can read it in month, or even in year. I know that he is pretty busy by his real life and youtube life. Stay cool too , bro. :brofist: