Meanwhile in "united state of sarkhan" [no i did not type it wrong] episode 3 : Well... they hit NASA

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    • Meanwhile in "united state of sarkhan" [no i did not type it wrong] episode 3 : Well... they hit NASA

      well if you are watching nasa on youtube right now you will get what i'm talking about.
      if you don't :
      Well Today NASA channel had blacklisted all ips from Thailand from watching their video
      [this : ]

      Guess why....

      If you are confused what's going on, here's the recap.

      NASA was making video of live programming and suddenly there're a lot of comments from thailand youtube user that was all about profanities/trolling/unrelated and even typing in their native language which quickly went out of control and NASA channel took a critical measure of banning all the incomming ips from thailand (as i hearded) but those user still come back [probably with help of VPN] and turn comment section into... well, i can't even describe how mess up it was.

      and if i had to remind all the things caused by thailand "keyboard warrior" are not the first time. and they making every (actually) good thailand internet user look like bad guys...

      #unitedstateofsarkhan #Thailandkeyboardwarrior