Vainglory: A MOBA game in the style of League of Legends and Dota 2 on IOS.

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    • Vainglory: A MOBA game in the style of League of Legends and Dota 2 on IOS.

      Hi Pewds! This is a game suggestion. Here is the summary of this AWESOME game!

      “Vainglory is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game in the style of League of Legends and Dota 2 but designed for smartphones. As standard for the genre, two opposing teams fight to reach and destroy the enemy's base while defending their own in a tug of war for control of a path, known the "lane", which connect the bases. In Vainglory, teams have three players and each controls an avatar, known as a "hero", from their own device. Computer-controlled creeps, known as "minions", spawn at team bases and follow the lane to the opposite team's base, fighting enemies and turrets en route. Lining the lanes are turret towers that repel the flow creeps and enemy heroes. The player's objective is to destroy the enemy turrets and the "Vain Crystal" in the enemy team's base. If a crystal is destroyed, the team who destroyed the crystal wins.

      As of May 2015, there are 14 hero options. The developers of the game continually add more, each with different skills but balanced for fair play. For example, a hero may have high damage but bad mobility, or strong melee abilities but no ranged options. Players choose between three attack skills that upgrade via a common technology tree, with the third ultimate ability unlocked after the other two have been upgraded a couple of times. A selection of free characters rotates often, and a player can also choose to permanently unlock any character for varying prices. The game uses two in-game currencies for in-app purchases: one that can be earned through play, known as Glory, and one that can be purchased with money, known as Immensely Concentrated Evil (ICE). Some characters are more expensive than others. For example, while Taka cost 6,000 Glory, Ringo costs only 800, while Glaive costs 2,000. Vainglory has no team communication features besides five options: a thumbs up, smile, crying, a drink, or OK.”

      Here are the videos, Pewds! :D

      And here is the link to the shop. Don't worry, it's free!

      I really hope you try this one out PewDiePie. Thanks! :brofist:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by EnjuAihara ().