Questionable Contest Practices

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  • Questionable Contest Practices

    I can't say I've looked at too many of the ever expanding photoshop contest submissions, but I did notice one in particular seemed to be using someone elses artwork snatched straight from deviantart.

    I'm not too sure how this would be treated by pewds and or the mods, but taking someones work and trying to pass it as your own is bad form in my opinion.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by TehUberCoffee ().

  • We knew there would be complications such as this, but with the amount of posts on that thread makes legitimacy checking painful and slow. Not to mention the fact that we constantly have to remove new threads from Bro Corner because people do not know how to read.

    If you see an image you know is stolen pass it on to me or any of the other mods, and we'll take care of it.

    Thanks in advance.