- Basic infos - Porcunipine is a couch multiplayer party game all about balding porcupines fighting courageously for survival using their very last pointy quills. Porcunipine is the perfect party game! Deceptively simple to pick up and play but hard to master when playing with friends. Porcunipine is all about quick, frantic rounds where every shot is a matter of life and death, where you’re as likely to kill yourself as you are to do an amazing double-rebound-off-the-wall-multi-kill and where the opportunity to scream at, berate or otherwise humiliate your friends is available in every single match. Of course for those times when you find yourself without said friends, Porcunipine also has a single player mode, as well as customisable bots for all of the games multiplayer arenas.
- Note - Pewds and Marzia played this game in "Butt Game With My Girlfriend", but it was in alpha. Now it's finally done and launched and looks like its got tons of new stuff like levels, characters, butts, and characters' butts.
- Gameplay footage -
- Where to buy it - store.steampowered.com/app/352620/
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