Im trapped in a dictatorship (Serious post) HELP ME PLEASE

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    • Im trapped in a dictatorship (Serious post) HELP ME PLEASE

      My name is Rebeca, my friends call me Becky. Im a 19 year old girl from Venezuela. I study journalism in the Central University of Venezuela, in Caracas, its capital.

      Im here asking for help from the BroArmy because between family is easy to accomplish things. I need Felix to know my story, i really need help, i live in one of the most dangerous countries in the world and i may die anytime soon (Source:…ime-idUSBREA390IY20140410…tes-homicides-in-pictures) A friend was killed recently. I need to get out from here soon, i have af fundrasing page BUT THIS ISNT ABOUT THE MONEY. I JUST NEED PEOPLE TO CARE AND SHARE MY STORY.

      Please please please, make Felix read this, Help Rebeca escape Venezuela! by Rebeca Hernandez - GoFundMe

      Thank you for helping me
    • I'm from Venezuela too, 19 and studying in URBE in Zulia. You're making an unnecessary show. Wanna get out of the country? Make yourself useful to the foreigners and actually fight for a life in the First World instead of asking it to come to you. Money alone won't get you anywhere. First thing you need is an immigration permit from the country you're aiming to live in, next comes the money cushion and then you work your butt off to build a new life there.

      Ánimo, es súper difícil salir del país y quedarse afuera, pero se puede lograr con esfuerzo y sudor.
    • Precisamente eso es lo que nos tiene tan mal, entre nosotros mismos nos echamos mierda Frettzo, por eso el venezolano cordial y amigable es un mito viejo.

      There is little possibility to escape the country without knowing proper english, and for that you need to study it, and for that you need dollars or other currencies wich you cannot buy here because of the echange control imposed by the government.
    • oye dime como puedo ayudar no hay forma de sacarte de el país? lo siento si no se mucho de este tema lo único que se es que antes México aceptaba refugiados pero creo que ahora México esta mal y porque escapar de un lugar horrible a otro?

      I will try everything I can so that people know your story and manage to get you out of there Just please keep yourself save and If you need english classes I could help you for free just stand strong and never let your will down
      <3 Life Loves you <3