Reporting fake channels which repost Pewds's videos

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    • Reporting fake channels which repost Pewds's videos

      So the other day, as any other day BROwsing the youtubes (see what i did there 8) ) i found a channel reposting felix's videos and having thousands of views, I tweeted it to pewds but I bet he didn't see it 'cause he is so busy lol.
      Today I found another channel, and another, and another, so I thought about making a thread in the :brofist: forums (I didn't found any threads like this :/ ) so we can stop these people without any creativity just gaining views with pewds's videos.
      Probably Felix or someone else can make youtube flag or strike these channels.

      these are the channels I found (this one is so sad, lol, it is not that popular but still)

      there are lots and lots more channels, some of them are called Pewdiepie ( so original ) but also some of them have different names (like the first one) so your work is to post them in this thread and we might get noticed and make youtube a little better

      if you're a bro (a real one lol) and you have one of these kind of channels please don't do that. it is so annoying and stupid.
      Using Felix's effort and years of work, and using his well known name just for having some views... :thumbdown:
      I don't understand why people do this, i don't get it.
      Are they trying to have a popular channel by stealing someone's videos...? :thumbdown:

      So I hope this thread can be used for the good of brokind.
